
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Climate change hub > Diplomacy, cooperation & negotiations >

Contents below:

     · The 3 core UNFCCC agreements

       · UNFCCC main website

         · Other UNFCCC websites

           · UNFCCC constituencies

Also see:

     · UNFCCC finance pages @ Climate finance

The 3 core UNFCCC agreements

1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

     · Signed in Rio de Janeiro

     · Entered into force 1994

     · Notable as the first mention within the context of the United Nations of the term Common but

       Differentiated Responsibilities, which became a cornerstone concept of international  

       environmental diplomacy and negotiation.

1997 Kyoto Protocol

     · 193 members of the UNFCCC ratified the Kyoto Protocol, with Canada withdrawing in 2020,

       leaving 192 ratifying members.

     · The Protocol stipulated that higher levels of GHGs were having a negative effect on the global

       climate and contributed to global warming, and required for the lowering of GHG levels to what

       was deemed as acceptable levels. The varying levels of emissions from country to country was

       based on the idea of common but differentiated responsibilities.

2015 Paris Climate Accord

     · Adopted by 193 members of the UNFCCC. The Accord is not enforced but is a collective

       agreement to follow certain actions.

     · The goal of the Accord is to reduce the global effects of climate change through international

       cooperation and action. The main way this is expected to be achieved is by taking action to

       prevent global temperatures from rising by 2 degrees Celsius.

     · While the United States pulled out from the Paris Agreements in 2020, it rejoined the  

       agreement a year later.

UNFCCC main website

· Key notes on the UNFCCC website:

     ~ The UNFCCC website is both (1) a nexus of critically important current information and (2) a warehouse

        of key archival resources.  

     ~ At the same time, it is enormous, highly complex, idiosyncratically organized, and appears to be updated

        & restructured often.

     ~ It can thus be difficult to navigate, particularly as there does not appear to be a sitemap.

     ~ To complicate matters, some UNFCCC initiatives are are double-listed both on the main website

        and on a modified base URL. For instance, the Race to Zero campaign is listed at both:


                         ...and at:


   · Main UNFCCC webpages all begin with "http//"

   · Several "directories" are only viewable by hover-clicking on the main menu items on the main page.

     For instance, this is what one sees when clicking on "Climate action" at the main page:

  · It can't be overemphasized that the UNFCCC website is massive; there are thousands of webpages

     that begin with (and according to at least one search method, perhaps tens of


  · Below, a small selection of webpages on the main UNFCCC website are listed, roughly organized

    according to the UNFCCC's website structure. Again, keep in mind that the UNFCCC website is often

    updated, so the links below may have shifted.

UNFCCC homepage

Process and meetings


          Governing bodies

               COP: Conference of the parties under the 1992 UNFCCC

               CMP: Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the

                       1997 Kyoto Protocol

               CMA: Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the

                        2015 Paris Agreement

          Subsidiary bodies

               Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)

               Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI)

     Parties & non-Party stakeholders

          Party groupings (negotiating groups)

          Admitted NGOs

          Task Force on Displacement


     Adaptation and resilience

          Adaptation Committee

          National Adaptation Plans

     Capacity-building Portal


Climate action

     Introduction to climate action

Documents and decisions



About us



UNFCCC timeline

Other UNFCCC websites

· The following websites are produced by the UNFCCC, but have particularized URLs (e.g.,

Global Climate Action ~ Non-state Actor Zone for Climate Action (NAZCA)

     149 Cooperative Initiatives

          · The following are only a sample of these:

              · Airport Carbon Accreditation

              · Assessing Low-Carbon Transition (ACT)

              · Climate Neutral Now

           · Main site

                    · ” initiative launched by UN Climate Change in 2015 to encourage everyone in

                       society to take action to help achieve a climate neutral world by mid-century, as

                       enshrined in the Paris Agreement.

Climate Champions

Race to Resilience

Race to Zero

Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTNC)

UN Climate Change and Universities Partnership Programme

UNFCCC constituencies

· UNFCCC constituencies are now a bit hidden on the UNFCCC website, but can be found here; the

  following list is cut-&-pasted from there:  

     · Business and industry NGOs (BINGO)

     · Environmental NGOs (ENGO)

     · Farmers and agricultural NGOs

     · Indigenous peoples organizations (IPO)

     · Local government and municipal authorities (LGMA)

     · Research and Independent Non-governmental Organizations (RINGO)

     · Trade union NGOs (TUNGO)

     · Women and gender constituency (WGC)

     · Children and youth NGOs (YOUNGO)

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)





& Summary