
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Climate change hub > Education >

Contents below:

     · Information

       · Institutions

         · Individuals

           · Climate fiction (Cli-fi)

              · Theater

               · Exhibits

                 · Music

Also see Environmental arts & literature


Climate in Art and Literature @ Climate & Mind

Climate Visualizations @

Carbon Visuals

Copenhagen benches @ Famous Campaigns

Culture declares emergency

Global Warming Art

Highwaterline: Visualizing Climate change

Artists & Climate Change

     · “Today, interesting artistic work about climate change is popping up all over the world, in all

       kinds of venues. It shows up in opera houses and hip hop poetry slams, in established galleries

       and on-the-fly exhibitions, in off-Broadway houses and regional theatres. The goal of this blog

       is to track these works and gather them in one place. It is both a study of what is being done,

       and a resource for anyone interested in the subject. We deeply believe that what artists have to

       say about climate change will shape our values and behavior for years to come. For that reason

       alone, we should pay attention.”



Arts & Climate Initiative

Inside the Greenhouse


Bilodeau, Chantal

Taylor, Jason DeCaires ~ Underwater Art

Burko, Diane ~ Seeing Climate Change

Climate fiction (CliFi)

Burning Worlds @ Chicago Review of Books

Climate fiction @ Wikipedia

Cli-Fi @

Cli-Fi in American Studies: A research bibliography @ American Studies Journal

Cli-Fi Report Global

So You Want to Read Cli-Fi: Here’s Where to Start @ Penguin Random House

The definitive climate fiction reading list @ Grist

Ultimate Cli Fi Book Club


Climate Change Theatre Action

Sea Level Rise: A Dystopian Comedy

Tardigrade Stage

Exhibits & art projects

Barricading the Ice Sheets - Oliver Ressler

RETHINK: Contemporary art & climate change

Shared Habitat Earth

     · “An exhibit series, and a call for action from over 30 Boston area artists”


ClimateMusic Project

Home [album]

Climate change & the arts, including CliFi