Climate change hub > Education >
Contents below:
· Information and initiatives
~ Research & academia
~ NGOs
See also:
· Environmental education & communications
Information & initiatives
· Also see Institutions below for additional information sources and initiatives.
Climate Change National Forum [USA]
· "..the reference collaborative workshop to collectively understand the implications of climate
change and trigger action."
Re-Imagine Climate Change Communication
Teaching Climate/Energy Law & Policy
Institutions ~ International organizations
UN Department of Global Communications
Communicating on Climate Change
· See “Climate Change and Sustainable Development”
· a collaborative initiative of more than 30 multilateral organizations supporting countries to design
and implement systematic, recurrent and results-oriented climate change learning.
Institutions ~ Research & academia
-Climate Change subgroup Google page
Center for Climate Change Communications @ George Mason University
Inside the Greenhouse @ UC Boulder
Yale Program on Climate Change Communications
Climate Change in the American Mind (CCAM)
Institutions ~ NGOs
Academia United on Climate Change
Action for the Climate Emergency (ACE)
· Formerly the Alliance for Climate Education
Citizens Climate Education (CCE)
· "...distills the complicated information that is relevant to our most pressing environmental challenges
into plain, easy-to-understand language."
· "An independent organization of leading scientists and journalists researching and reporting the facts
about our changing climate and its impact on the public."
· "...a non-profit science and outreach project supported by a grant from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund."
Climate Consent Foundation [UK]
· "...a worldwide network of scientists sorting fact from fiction in climate change media coverage.
Our goal is to help readers know which news to trust."
· "...offers a forum for candid discussion among climate scientists, policymakers, activists, and concerned
citizens. Our live programs are recorded and distributed to a global audience. By gathering inspiring,
credible, and compelling information, we provide an essential resource to change-makers looking to
make a difference."
Climate Science Rapid Response Team
· "...works to change the conversation on climate change and clean energy from an argument to
a constructive search for solutions... Climate Nexus leverages all forms of communication to
tell the stories of the people impacted by climate change and those driving the energy transition.
To achieve these goals, we work with the media, non-profits, community organizations, business
leaders and policymakers."
Media and Climate Change Observatory (MeCCO)
· Produces Monthly Summaries of "89 sources (across newspapers, radio and TV) in 38 countries
in seven different regions around the world. We assemble the data by accessing archives through
the Lexis Nexis, Proquest and Factiva databases via the University of Colorado libraries."
TOPtoTOP Global Climate Expedition
· "...a Swiss-based non-governmental organization whose mission is to Inspire Youth to Save Our Planet."
Simulations & games
· “Established in 2005, Climate Interactive is rooted in the fields of system dynamics modeling and
systems thinking. Through this lens, and in partnership with the MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative,
we create and share tools that help people see connections and drive effective and equitable climate
action. Climate Interactive hosts a team of system dynamics modelers who create user-friendly
climate simulators—spanning topics of international policy, cutting-edge climate solutions, energy
dynamics, climate justice, food systems, and more. We then amplify the insights from these tools
through interactive workshops, role-playing games, and events led by our team and an international
network of trained facilitators. From start to finish, Climate Interactive’s aim is to synthesize technical
climate science into accessible mediums, and harness the power of experiential learning to engage
and inform people around high-leverage, equitable climate solutions.”
Climate Law Teaching Resources
· Provides syllabi & simulation materials