
A web·guide to the glocal environment



USA hub > Land >

Contents below:

    · News & blogs

      · NGOs & networks

        · Private sector

          · Professional associations

            · Funders

              · Climate change & forests

Also see:

    · Forests & associated pages

News & blogs

The Smokey Wire: National Forest news and views

NGOs & networks

American Forests

Forest Carbon Coalition

National Forest Foundation

     · Works to ensure that the National Forests and Grasslands stay healthy for future generations and

     continue to provide water, "clean air, store carbon, and provide timber, minerals, oil, gas, and other

     resources for industry and communities.”

Old-Growth Forest Network

Save America's Forests

     · Aims to end clearcutting and other destructive forms of logging while also restoring the country's

     forests through the use of conservation biology.


     · Is an organization fighting for a goal of creating a world "where we value forests more standing than

     logged. We stand in solidarity to call for forest protection, climate action, and justice for all."

Private sector

American Forest & Paper Association

     ·  Works to promote and "advance a sustainable U.S. pulp, paper, packaging, tissue and wood products

     manufacturing industry through fact-based public policy and marketplace advocacy."

American Forest Resource Council

     · A trade association working to advocate for sustainable timber harvests and to advocate for better and

     more responsible management of the country's forestlands.

Intermountain Forest Association

Professional associations

Northeast-Midwest State Foresters Alliance

     · Is an alliance between state forestry agencies in 20 states in the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and

     the Midwest. These state agencies work to manage forest land, inform the public, monitor forest

     health, and implement state and federal forestry projects.

Society of American Foresters   

     · Works to unite people with science and practices to shape forestry management. The website works

     to challenge landowners, decision makers, and society and encourage them to make better choices

     about our forests.


US Endowment for Forestry and Communities

     · Is "commited to keeping working forests as forests and advancing family-wage jobs in forest-rich

     rural communities."

Climate change & forests

Climate Change Response Framework

     @ Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science

          @ NRS @ USFS

Climate Forests Campaign [USA]

Climate, Forests and Woodlands eXtension Community of Practice (CoP) @ USDA

Forest Carbon Coalition [USA]

Forest-to-Cities Climate Challenge @ New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF)
