
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Countries, nations & states hub >

Contents below:

     · General data sources

       · Environmental & demographic data sources

         · Country data from international organizations

           · Country map generator

             · Random country selection websites

General data sources

CIA World Factbook


Economist Intelligence

FAOLEX Database

     · “...a comprehensive and up-to-date legislative and policy database, one of the world's largest online

       repositories of national laws, regulations and policies on food, agriculture and natural resources

       management. Users of FAOLEX have direct access to the abstracts and indexing information about each

       text, as well as to the full text of the legislation and policies contained in the database.”

GlobalEDGE Get Insights By Country




One World - The Nations Online Project

     · Sovereign states

OECD countries listing

     · Click on “Countries” tab for individual country pages

What do you call a person from ____?

     · List of denonyms


     Countries in the world

Environmental & demographic data sources

Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)

     · “an instrument to enable transparency in national and international climate politics. The CCPI

       uses a standardized framework to compare the climate performance of 59 countries and the EU,

       which together account for 92% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The climate protection

       performance is assessed in four categories: GHG Emissions, Renewable Energy, Energy Use and

       Climate Policy.”

Climate Policy ObserverCountry profiles

Convention on Biological DiversityCountry profiles

Environmental Performance Index

     · "...ranks 180 countries on 24 performance indicators across ten issue categories covering

          environmental health and ecosystem vitality...offers a scorecard that highlights leaders

          and laggards in environmental performance, gives insight on best practices, and provides

          guidance for countries that aspire to be leaders in sustainability."

Global Climate Risk Index

Global Green Economy Index @ Dual Citizen

Countries in the world @

     · As of 11/21, this website shows a copyright date of 2018, with data that appears to be outdated

       and/or inaccurate.    

Land PortalCountries

Rights of Nature Law, Policy and Education @ UN Harmony with Nature

     · A country-by-country database of "constitutions, national statutes, and local laws" on rights of nature.

UNICEFCountry profiles

World Population Review

Country data from international organizations

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

      · Contains extensive information not only on OECD countries, but countries worldwide.

United Nations country members

World Bank regions

World Bank Country and Lending Groups

Country map generator

Random country selection sites

Country picker wheel

Random country generator

Random country generator @ GigaCalculator

Random country generator @ Random Outputs

This page provides information resources for multiple countries.

Individual country information can be found at:

A>Z listing of countries·nations·states

Countries, nations & states info