Contents below:
· Information & resources
· Institutions
~ Funders
· Select readings in climate justice
· Law
Also see:
· NGOs, where climate-focused NGOs are highlighted
· Environmental Justice page
Information & resources
Black Climate Week @ Solutions Project
Climate & energy @ Global Justice Now
Climate Equity Reference Calculator @ Climate Equity Reference Project
· “...an archival database of news, information and documents. The information compiled
here is collected from various sources and is based on more than 20 years of research
and data collection."
Climate Justice @ Institute for Policy Studies
Greenhouse Development Rights (GDRs)
· “...a Equity Reference Framework that is designed to support an emergency global climate
mobilization while, at the same time, preserving the rights of all people to reach a dignified
level of sustainable human development free of the privations of poverty. It’s basic approach,
which is to calculate a Responsibility and Capacity Index for all countries and to apply that
index within an effort-sharing framework, is the basis of the Climate Equity Reference Calculator
and the Climate Equity Pledge Scorecard."
· "ITM is a new way to connect us all — the billions of people who care about climate change.
It’s a place where we can all go, each week, to learn what is happening in the movement and
to share what inspires us or concerns us with our friends and family. It’s a way for us to all
easily take part and take action. We know that you don't have time to scour the Internet every
day to find out what's going on. ITM does that for you and puts the actions, campaigns, stories,
success, challenges and reflections of the climate movement ALL IN ONE PLACE."
~ Networks & initiatives ~
Climate Criminals @ Climate Accountibility Research Project (CARP)
· “...We are a network of academics, policymakers, practitioners, and civil society activists
engaged in climate justice issues. While the main focus of work is on the rapidly urbanizing
regions in the global South, our work is informed by comparative analyses that cut across the
global North-South divides.”
· “...a grassroots, Global South-driven initiative connecting social & climate justice struggles by
uniting labor, social and climate movements from the Global South & North toward a common
goal of turning debt-trap diplomacy on its head by canceling the debt of impoverished nations
as a way to pay for leaving fossil fuels in the ground and financing a just transition. The
implementation of a global Debt-for-Climate initiative has the potential to leave trillions of
dollars in fossil fuel reserves in the ground, while freeing countries from a strangling debt
burden often used as a tool for further extraction of natural resources.”
Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice
Northeast Climate Justice Research Collaborative
Real Solutions - Not 'Net Zero'
This is Our Home: Pacific Artists for Climate Justice
· “A project of the Fossil Fuel Non-proliveration Treaty Initiative"
~ Funders ~
Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund
· Climate Funders Justice Pledge
Hive Fund for Climate and Gender Justice
Energy democracy
Energy Democracy [organization]
Energy Democracy [book]
Energy democracy @ Wikipedia
Energy democracy @ Transnational Institute
Global Justice Now [UK]
Alternative Information and Development Centre
Energy democracy & climate justice
Climate Crisis @ Public Services International
Trade Unions for Energy Democracy
Select readings in climate justice
· In reverse chronological order
Climate justice in the Global North: An introduction
· 2021 ~ Prakash Kashwan ~ Case Studies in the Environment
· “...provides a broad-based and jargon-free introduction to climate justice to foster critical thinking,
engaged discussions, and profound reflections.”
· “...concludes by showcasing a few examples of the ongoing pursuits of climate justice, led by social
justice groups, local governments, and some government agencies.”
Why the Larger Climate Movement Is Finally Embracing the Fight Against Environmental Racism
· 2020, Justin Worland, TIME Magazine
· Recounts the 2019 gas leak and subsequent fire at the Philadelphia Energy Solutions Refining Complex.
· Transitions into a greater conversation negative impact on air pollution.
· Examines the disproportional impact on communities of color and air pollution, with specific discussion
of conditions such as asthma.
Equity, climate justice and fossil fuel extraction: principles for a managed phase out
· 2020, Greg Muttitt and Sivan Kartha, Climate Policy
· Discusses the impacts and economic challenges of fossil fuel extraction and transition and explores
how to equitably approach a rapid transition away from fossil fuel extraction.
· Presents five guiding principles as a foundation for a just transition away from fossil fuel extraction
including curbing extraction consistent with environmental justice and 1.5°C of warming, a just
transition for workers and communities, and an equitable distribution of costs and responsibilities
· Outlines how these principles could be applied, emphasizing that the proposed measures must be
paired with efforts to address environmental injustice and equity issues.
· Poses questions such as: how should impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations be
balanced with the impacts of a transition away from fossil fuels, and who should bear the
responsibility and costs of transition?
Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience and the Fight for a Sustainable Future
· 2018, Mary Robinson, Bloomsbury Publishing
· Former President of Ireland Robinson unveils how women must be given a voice and a seat at the
table in the discussion about climate change and the future
· Explores how we all have a role in the fight against climate change, and the necessity of hearing
from people with a diverse array of backgrounds
· Provides snapshots of life in the face of climate change from the perspective of Ugandan farmers
who are climate activists, US citizens, Robinson's own family, and others
· Provides a “matriarchal” lens that must be encompassed in climate solutions
Urban climate justice: creating sustainable pathways for humans and other species
· June 2015, Wendy Steele, Luis Mata, and Hartmut Fünfgeld
· Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
· Examines the topic of urban climate justice, focusing on the connections between environmental
sustainability, human vulnerability, and biodiversity loss.
· Discusses the disproportionate negative impacts of climate change and rapid urbanization, in
addition to the resulting exacerbation of existing social injustices and vulnerabilities, on low-
income and marginalized urban communities that have limited capabilities to adapt to climate
· Highlights the need to address the impacts and equity issues of climate change on both humans
and other ecological communities and species that play an important role in biodiversity, working
to create an equitable, interdisciplinary transition focusing on eco-social justice and equity in cities.
Local level climate justice? Adaptation finance and vulnerability reduction
· December 2013, Sam Barrett, Global Environmental Change
· Discusses the development of a framework for analyzing adaptation finance effectiveness and
outlines data collected on the effectiveness of adaptation finance collected across 18 villages in
Malawi, a climate vulnerable area and recipient of significant funds targeting adaptation.
· Shows adaptation finance to be a relatively effective method to address climate threats, with
villages that received adaptation funding being able to address more risks and increases individual
agency and long-term security.
· Presents evidence of villages that received adaptation funding having increased capacity to
implement both negative and positive adaptations, while villages taking informal action tended to
adopt mainly negative adaptations and short-term coping strategies.
A Policy Approach Toward Climate Justice
· September 2016, Jalonne Lynay White-Newsome, The Black Scholar
· Discusses how low-income and communities of color, specifically African Americans, are the
least responsible for climate change but are disproportionately experiencing the impacts of the
climate crisis, perpetuated by a system of environmental racism.
· Emphasizes how climate justice efforts that consider the health, economic, social and
environmental impacts of climate change are needed at the international, national, and local
levels to effectively address the capitalistic and political systems that perpetuate environmental
· Presents recommendations for a more transparent government reporting process to ensure
accountability, measures to increase grassroots engagement, and essential elements needed in
climate justice legislation.
· 2007, G. Ananthapadmanabhan; K. Srinivas; Vinuta Gopal, GreenPeace India
· Discusses how the Indian government can implement CBDR amongst the various groups within India
(on an intra-governmental level) and asks the question, where are climate injustices taking place within
· Asks, who is responsible for India's emissions and who is ultimately living the consequences of these
Equity, environmental justice and sustainability: Incomplete approaches in climate change politics
· 2003, Jekwu Ikeme, Global Environmental Change
· Differentiates between the concepts of equity and environmental justice, which the author argues
are often conflated.
· Also highlights the disconnect between theoretical approaches and development plans for addressing
climate challenges.
· Investigates these differences to ensure that public policy plans effectively address the issue of climate
Climate Change and Global Environmental Justice
· 2001, Professor Paul N Edwards, Clark A. Miller. Chapter 9 of Changing the Atmosphere: Expert
Knowledge and Environmental Governance, The MIT Press
· Discusses the historical unwillingness of nations that contribute the most to climate change (the
US, Japan, Norway, and more) to take responsible measures to reduce their respective greenhouse
gas emissions
· Explores how mitigation efforts rarely consider potential injustices that may arise from the proposed
· Poses questions such as: what are the ethical problems with our global climate change solutions?
Indigenous Principles of Just Transition2021
· November 1998, Indigenous Environmental Network
· Written at the Circles of Wisdom: Native Peoples/Native Homelands Climate Change Workshop
held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in November of 1998.
· Presents 17 principles–separated into three sections: Responsibility and Relationship, Sovereignty,
and Transformation to Action–to guide Indigenous peoples in rebuilding their nations and communities
to center sustainable and healthy economies and ways of life while maintaining traditional Indigenous
practices and knowledge.
· Outlines a framework for a transition to an ecologically sustainable, equitable and just economy,
focusing on strategies to democratize, decentralize and diversify economic activity, decrease our
consumption, and redistribute resources and power.
Three definitions of Climate Justice
Mary Robinson: Climate justice “insists on a shift from a discourse on greenhouse gases and melting ice caps into a civil rights movement with the people and communities most vulnerable to climate impacts at its heart.”
YCC: “‘Climate justice’ is a term, and more than that a movement, that acknowledges climate change can have differing social, economic, public health, and other adverse impacts on underprivileged populations. Advocates for climate justice are striving to have these inequities addressed head-on through long-term mitigation and adaptation strategies.”
Wikipedia: “Climate justice is a concept that addresses the ethical dimensions of climate change. Applied ethics, research and activism using the term approach anthropogenic climate change as an ethical, legal and political issue, rather than one that is purely environmental or physical in nature. This is done by relating the causes and effects of climate change to concepts of justice, particularly environmental justice and social justice. Climate justice examines concepts such as equality, human rights, collective rights, and the historical responsibilities for climate change.”