
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Environmental justice+ hub > Climate justice >

Contents below:

     · Information

       · Resources

         · NGOs, campaigns & networks

           · Select readings on divestment


Listing of divestment commitments @ Fossil Free

Fossil Fuel Divestment news @ The Guardian

Divestment archive @


Fossil Free Funds

     · "...a search platform built to help people find out if their money, in the form of individual investments

          or an employer-offered retirement plan, is being used to extract and consume fossil fuels."

Multi-School Fossil Free Divestment Fund

     · Website problems as of 2021-03

NGOs, campaigns & networks

Big Shift Global

     · "...a multi-stakeholder, global campaign coordinated by organisations from the Global North and South.

          Together, we aim to make the people’s views on energy finance known to Multilateral Development

          Banks (MDBs), their Executive Directors, as well as the Heads of State and Finance Ministers of the

          members countries."

Divest Ed

     · "...the national training and strategy hub for student fossil fuel divestment campaigns."


     · "...a diverse, global network of individuals and organizations united in the belief that by using our  

          collective influence as investors to divest from fossil fuels, and invest in climate solutions, we can  

          accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy. In this way, we are supporting the agreement  

          made by governments in Paris at COP21 and protecting our own investment returns."

Faculty/Staff Divestment Network (FSDN)

     Facebook page

Fossil Fuel Divestment Student Network

     · Listing of institutions that have committed to divest

Fossil Free

     · "...a global campaign led by local groups demanding our local communities and institutions commit to:

                   1. A fast + just transition to 100% renewable energy for all

                     2. No new fossil fuel projects anywhere.

                     3. Not a penny more for dirty energy

          We are a powerful movement of citizens around the world working to build a future that’s

          free from the destructive impacts of climate change, and free from the massive, out-of-control

          corporations that caused it."

Fossil Free Citi

Fossil Free Research

Intentional Endowments Network

     · “...a non-profit, peer-learning network advancing intentionally designed endowments – those that

          seek to enhance financial performance by making investments that advance an equitable, low

          carbon, and regenerative economy. Working closely with leading organizations, the network

          engages leaders and key stakeholders from higher education, foundations, business, and nonprofits.

          It provides opportunities for learning and education, peer networking, convening, thought

          leadership and information exchange around a variety of strategies (e.g., ESG integration, impact

          investing, and shareholder engagement).”

Princeton University → Fossil Fuel Dissociation

Private Equity Stakeholder Project


UnKoch My Campus

Select readings on divestment

     · Generally listed in chronological order of publication date

Fossil fuel divestment in US higher education: student-led organizing for climate justice

     · 2015, Jessica Grady-Benson & Brinda Sarathy, The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability

     · Uses participant observation data to examine the motivating forces behind student-led divestment

        movements and how youth activism is advancing the broader field of divestment

     · Traces the history of the student divestment movement to look at how it evolved alongside changing

        perceptions of environmental responsibility as an individual responsibility to a collective one grounded

        in the principles of climate justice

     · Asks how the strategies used in divestment campaigns that have focused on smaller endowments

        and institutions can be relevant to larger institutions

Politicizing Energy Justice and Energy System Transitions: Fossil fuel divestment and a “just transition”

     · 2017, N Healy and J Barry, Energy Policy

     · Places the issues surrounding fossil fuel divestment and energy policy within a larger political and

        economic context based on traditional neoliberal economic policies and explains how modern

        divestment campaigns challenge these policies and their associated economic injustices

     · Describes how climate and social justice must be considered in questions surrounding divestment

        and energy policy and pays special attention to how divestment movements have led to the

        democratization of energy policy decision making and the eventual inclusion of public opinion

     · Emphasizes how workers in the fossil fuel industry are often neglected and hidden in discourses

        about transitioning to clean energy and how they are important stakeholders whose opinions and

        livelihoods must be considered in order to create a just transition.

Impacts of the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement: Effects on Finance, Policy and Public Discourse

     · 2018-Noam Bergman-Sustainability

     · Discusses how public opinion and understanding of fossil fuel energy use and the fossil fuel industry

        in general have changed as divestment campaigns have become more publicized and politicized and

        climate change has become a more widely-recognized problem

     · Looks at the culture surrounding the finance industry and how it has changed as shareholders and

       investors now want their investments to reflect their morals

      · Examines the impact of divestment policy in the economic sector on the environmental activism movement

        and how it has revitalized many environmental movements which would otherwise be disconnected from

        the economic sector through data gathered from UK environmental groups

Invest Divest 2021: A Decade of Progress Towards a Just Climate Future

     · 2021, Jonathan Lipman, The Institute for Energy Economic and Financial Analysis,, C40,

        and the Wallace Global Fund

     · Provides a helpful overview of the divestment movement's history and impacts on marginalized

        social groups to demonstrate the intersectional aspects of the movement

     · Details the financial benefits of divesting from fossil fuels using Harvard as a case study, showing

       that renewables are the financially smarter investment as the fossil fuel industry declines, as well as

       the more ethical investment option

     · Looks at India and the Navajo Nation as examples of effective but rapid energy transitions to show

       that divestment and reinvestment can happen quickly while still being profitable

Fossil Free Action Guide: Reinvest in a Just Transition

     · People and Planet, No date

     · Brings in ideas surrounding decolonization and energy democracy to the conversation surrounding

        divestment and reinvestment to emphasize how climate justice and social justice in general is a key

        part of the divestment and reinvestment movement

     · Lists the primary principles of reinvestment that student divestment and reinvestment campaigns should

        focus on when starting to build their own movements, which can easily be applied to non-student

        campaigns as well

     · Simplifies and lays out the steps to building a divestment movement moving from the early steps of

        creating a coalition and building support for specific actions that have proved effective on other

        campuses in lobbying university administrations to divest and reinvest

Climate change divestment & re/investment




& Summary