Environmental justice+ hub > Climate justice >
Contents below:
· Information & resources
· Institutions & initiatives:
~ Research & information
~ International initiatives
~ Networks & NGOs
· Select readings
Information & resources
What is climate change ‘Loss and Damage’? @ LSE
Loss & Damage Online Guide @ UNFCCC
Institutions ~ Information, networks & research
Loss & damage @ MIT Climate Portal
Institutions ~ International organizations & initiatives
Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts (WIM) @ UNFCCC
Losses and Damages from Climate Change @ OECD
Institutions ~ Networks & NGOs
Loss and Damage Collaboration (L&DC)
· “...a group of climate policy and art and cultural practitioners, researchers, activists, lawyers, advocates
and decision makers from both the global North and South working together to ensure that developing countries,
and the vulnerable people and communities within them, have the support they need to address climate change
related loss and damage.”
Select readings
Timeline: The struggle over ‘loss and damage’ in UN climate talks
· 2022 ~ Josh Gabbatiss ~ Carbon Brief
· Outlines the development of loss and damage in international climate discussions and highlights significant documents
· Describes the history of developing nations advocating for climate justice and how and why these efforts have been largely rejected
Loss and damage from climate change: local-level evidence from nine vulnerable countries
· 2013 ~ Koko Warner & Kees van der Geest ~ International Journal of Global Warming
· Explains loss and damage through climate stressors, societal impacts, responses, and residual loss and damage
· Provides critical insight into real-world effects of climate change on vulnerable nations through the first multi-country study on the topic
· Identifies pathways of loss and damage, including when adaptation measures fail, incur non-recoverable
costs, or have long-term negative effects, and suggests policy improvements
Loss & damage

Key informational resource