
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Environmental justice+ hub >

Contents below:

     · General information

       · About environmental justice (selected webpages)

         · News & blogs

           · Periodicals

             · Bibliographies

               · Social media & email lists

                 · Audio-visual materials, including documentaries

                   · Conferences

                     · Institutions

                       · Institutional JEDI-DEI statements

                         · International agreements

                           · EJ in the USA

                             · Select readings in environmental justice

Also see:

     · Just Transition & Green New Deal (GND)

       · Equal opportunities & environmental justice listings @ Opportunities, internships, employment, volunteer, etc.

       · Climate justice

         · Climate activism & advocacy

General information

Earthbound Report

Black Birder's Week @ Wikipedia

     · "...a communication hub for the Environmental Justice Health Alliance for

        Chemical Policy Reform (EJHA)."

     Environmental justice / Environmental racism

          · Though this site seems a bit dated, it contains some very useful resources.

ejolt: Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade

     · “...a global research project bringing science and society together to catalogue and analyze

     ecological distribution conflicts and confront environmental injustice."

Environmental Justice Atlas @ EnvJustice

     · "...documents and catalogues social conflict around environmental issues....  It also attempts

        to serve as a virtual space for those working on EJ issues to get information, find other groups

        working on related issues, and increase the visibility of environmental conflicts."

Equator Principles

     · "...intended to serve as a common baseline and risk management framework for financial

      institutions to identify, assess and manage environmental and social risks when financing


Intersectional Environmentalist

     · "...a platform for resources, information and action steps to support intersectional

     environmentalism and dismantle systems of oppression in the environmental movement, led

     by environmental activists and sustainability advocates."

Just sustainabilities

Sustainability @

What is environmental justice? @ Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice

About environmental Justice (selected webpages)

Environmental justice @ Britannica

Environmental justice @ DEOHS, University of Washington

Environmental justice @ Elsevier Science Direct

Environmental justice @ Harvard Law Human Rights Program

Environmental justice @ NRDC

Environmental justice @ Science Direct

Environmental justice @ Sierra Club

Environmental justice & environmental racism @ GreenAction

Environmental justice fact sheet @ CSS

Environmental justice @ Wikipedia

News & blogs

Black Agenda Report Nature & the environment

Conversation Articles on environmental justice

EJ4All Latest news

Inside Climate News   Environmental justice

African American Intellectual History SocietyBlack PerspecitvesBlack Ecologies


Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin

     · Vol 151 No 2-3 (2020): Narratives and practices of environmental justice

Environmental Justice

Health Equity

International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health

     · Special issue on Environmental Justice Research

JEDSI Journal

Journal of Human Rights and the Environment

Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability

NPQ [Nonprofit Quarterly]

     Environmental Justice


Environmental Justice Annotated Bibliography @ Yale

16 Essential Books About Environmental Justice, Racism and Activism @ The Revelator

Turner, Robin L, and Diana Pei Wu. 2002. Environmental justice and environmental racism:

     · An annotated bibliography and general overview, focusing on US literature, 1996-2002. Berkeley

     Workshop on Environmental Politics, Institute of International Studies, 1.

Social media & email lists


Environmental justice studies mailing list

Audiovisual materials, including documentary films

Films & videos @ Global Environmental Justice Observatory @ UC Santa Cruz

Global Environmental Justice Documentaries  

Community voices on environmental justice @ USEPA

YouTube channels

     Estudios Planeteando

     Intersectional Environmentalist


ECODIVE (Evaluating Conferences for Diverse Engagement)

     · "...goals are to evaluate how conferences are serving ecologists and environmental scientists, and how

       future conference design in these fields can best meet the needs of diverse organizations and individuals.

       Our research investigates how virtual and hybrid conference formats can facilitate access and inclusion."


Action Center on Race and the Economy


Alternatives for Community & Environment (ACE)

Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN)

Black Environmental Network (BEN) [UK]


Center for Diversity & the Environment (CDE)

     · "...harnesses the power of racial and ethnic diversity to transform the U.S. environmental

     movement by developing leaders, catalyzing change within institutions & building alliances."

Center for Earth, Energy & Democracy (CEED)

Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment

Chisholm Legacy Project

Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR)

    · "...a feminist, anti-colonial, marine science laboratory. This means our methods foreground

       values of equity, humility, and justice. We specialize in community-based and citizen science

       monitoring of plastic pollution, particularly of plastics in food webs.

Clean Water Action (CWA)

     Environmental Justice

Climate Reframe [UK]

Coming Clean

Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice

Diving with a Purpose (DWP)

Donors of Color Network

     BIPOC Climate and Energy Justice PhDs

Dream Corp

    Green for All

Ecologies of Justice

Energy Justice Network

Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF)

Environmental Justice Health Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform (EJHA)

Environmental Justice Index @ USTSDR

Environmental Justice Research Collaborative

     New England Environmental Justice Research Project

Environmental Law Institute (ELI)

     Environmental Justice Initiative


     · “...a research project to study and contribute to the global environmental justice movement"

     · Environmental Justice Atlas

Front and Centered

Global Environmental Justice Observatory @ UC Santa Cruz

     Films & videos

Global Environmental Justice Group @ University of East Anglia

Global Justice Now

Green 2.0

     · " initiative dedicated to increasing racial diversity across mainstream environmental NGOs,

       foundations and government agencies."

Green Justice Coalition [Massachusetts]

Green Latinos


Green Leadership Trust

     · "To increase equity, GLT effects change at the structural level, beyond campaigns of diversity. We act

     together as fiduciaries of color and indigenous peoples identifying and confronting practices of bias,

     cultural preference and homogeneity, to transform the environmental sector. We do this because it is

     necessary to reaffirm the narrative about who cares about the environment, who bears the burdens of

     degradation, and who benefits from inclusiveness at every level. Everyone cares. Burdens are

     disproportionate. Everyone benefits. Practices of exclusion keep the environmental profession from

     achieving its highest potential: healing and sustaining all communities."

Greenaction for Health & Environmental Justice

GreenRoots [Chelsea, Massachusetts, USA]

Groundwork USA

Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy

     · Now Taproot Earth (website archivally maintained)

HECHO: Hispanics Enjoying Camping, Hunting, and the Outdoors

Hip Hop Caucus

     Think 100%

Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Climate Change Consortium

Intersectional Environmentalist Council

Latino Outdoors

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)

     Environmental Programs

Little Village Environmental Justice Organization

Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition

Madison Environmental Justice / Midwest Environmetal Justice Organization [USA]

Midwest Environmental Justice Network [USA]

Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project (mg)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

     Environmental & Climate Justice

National Black Environmental Justice Network

National Wildlife Federation

     Environmental Justice

Network for Strong Communities

One Shared.World

Outdoor Afro

Outdoorist Oath

People Organizing to Demand Environmental and Economic Justice (PODER-San Francisco)

Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Ruckus Society

Solutions Project

     · "What began in 2013 as a call for what’s possible is now a movement that has changed the standard

      for clean energy. And our grantee partners have led the way and are still working to make sure every

     100% commitment is rooted in equity. 160 cities. Over ten counties. Eight states. 242 companies.

     All have committed to 100% renewable energy — and now must commit to a just transition."

Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP)

     Environmental justice

Taproot Earth


     Frontline Jutice Fund

Transnational Institute (TNI)

     Agrarian & Environmental Justice



Institutional JEDI-DEI statements

American Bird Conservancy (ABC)

American Rivers

Bat Conservation International (BCI)

Center for Biological Diversity (CBD)

Citizens Climate Education (CCE)

Citizens Climate Lobby

Defenders of Wildlife (DoW)


Endangered Species Coalition (ESC)

Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI)

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)


National Audubon Society (NAS)

National Wildlife Foundation (NWF)

Nature Conservancy (TNC)

Save the Redwoods League

Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA)

US Climate Action Network (USCAN)

Xerxes Society for Invertebrate Conservation

International areements

Aarhus Convention

     · Full title: Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making

      and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters

Environmental justice ~ USA


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

     · Environmental Justice page

     · National Environmental Justice Advisory Council


          · EPA's Environmenal Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (Version 2019)

Health and Human Services (HHS)

     · Environmental Justice Progress Report

Justice 40 Initiative


Equitable and Just National Climate Platform

National Environmental Justice Conference & Training Program

Select readings in environmental justice

Siting of Hazardous Waste Landfills

     · June 1, 1983, United States General Accounting Office. Full title: Siting of Hazardous Waste

       Landfills and Their Correlation with Racial and Economic Status of Surrounding Communities

     · Completed at the request of Representative Walter Fauntroy, then-chair of the Congressional

       Black Caucus, in order to determine whether communities of color bore the brunt of harms

       associated with hazardous waste landfills

     · Fauntroy's request was sparked by protests against hazardous waste dumping near the largely

       Black community of Afton, North Carolina

     · Found that three out of four hazardous waste landfills studied were located in majority African

       American communities

Toxic Wastes and Race

     · 1987, United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice

     · Presents the results of two demographic studies of communities surrounding commercial hazardous

       waste facilities and uncontrolled toxic waste sites

     · Determined that the racial composition of local communities was the number one variable asociated

       with placement of commercial hazardous waste facilities

     · Served as a call to action to understand racial justice and environmental action as profoundly intertwined

Dumping in Dixie: Race, Class, and Environmental Quality

     · 1990, Robert D. Bullard

     · Investigates five case studies of Black environmental activism in the American South, surveying

        activists and providing the first comprehensive documentation of Black environmental action

     · Bullard finds that Black environmentalists tended not to affiliate with environmental groups; rather, their

       activism was structured around existing sources of community organization such as churches

Principles of Environmental Justice

     · Drafted in October, 1991 at the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit,

       an unprecedented three-day summit of prominent environmental justice activists from across

       North America.

     · Presents 17 principles to guide the environmental justice movement in seeking two primary goals:

        (1) liberating people from oppression and (2) promotion of sustainable relationships to natural systems

     · These principles include economic, political, and cultural self-determination and equitable representation

        in environmental planning processes.

Unequal Protection: The Racial Divide in Environmental Law

      · 1992, Marianne Lavelle and Marcia Coyle, The National Law Journal

     ·      Analyzing every U.S. environmental lawsuit over the previous 7 years, the authors identify racial imbalance.

     ·      Describes how in environmental law cases the federal government favors white communities

       (which tend to win) and tends to take longer to deal with issues in minority communities

Executive Order 12898, Federal Action to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

     · February 11th, 1994, Federal Register

     ·      Promulgates a strategy to implement environmental justice

     · Advocates nondiscrimination and antiracism in federal programs that directly impact human health and the environment

     · One goal of the Executive Order is ensure that people from low income neighborhoods are able to

       participate and have access to resources that will help improve their communities.

Toxic Wastes and Race at Twenty

     · 2007, Robert D. Bullard, Ph.D.; Paul Mohai, Ph.D.; Robin Saha, Ph.D.; Beverly Wright, Ph.D.

     · United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice

     · An update on the seminal 1987 report Toxic Wastes and Race, which introduced the term

        “environmental racism” and exposed shocking disparities between exposure to toxic waste in

        white communities and communities of color

     · Finds that such disparities persist and that government officials continue to disregard the

        environmental health concerns of communities of color, as demonstrated by a case study

        of the Dickson County Landfill in Dickson, TN

DC's Waste and Environmental Racism

     · 2014, Mike Ewall, Energy Justice Network

     · Describes how DC's waste is sent to the nation's fourth largest incinerator in Lorton, Virginia, a

       BIPOC community that has been impacted by environmental racism

     · Highlights that trash incinerator industry facilities are primarily located in BIPOC communities

Perspectives of Environmental Justice from Indigenous Peoples of Latin America: A Relational Indigenous Environmental Justice

     · 2017, Astrid Ulloa, Environmental Justice

     · Discusses a call for incorporating Indigenous Peoples' land rights into the definition of environmental justice.

     · This article explores how the concerns of Indigenous Peoples and Latin America are creating a more

       inclusive definition around environmental justice. While in the past the conversation mostly surrounded

       territorial autonomy, nowadays the conversation has broadened and encompasses questions of environmental ethics.

A Terrible Thing to Waste: Environmental Racism and Its Assault on the American Mind (book)

     · July 23rd, 2019, By Harriet A. Washington

     · Analyzes the impacts of environmental racism in America, including average income discrepancies,

       the effects of lead poisoning, and the healthcare system

Subsistence protection and mitigation ambition: Necessities, economic and climatic

     · 2019, Henry Shue, British Journal of Politics and International Relations

     · Discusses factors that play into accessibility of fossil fuel alternatives. Specifically asks, are

       low-income individuals aware of the various affordable ways to purchase green energy?

     · Discusses this core principle of “starting slow and ratcheting up” in the context of renewable

       energy as well as the role of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to begin scaling back reliance on fossil fuels for energy

The Environmental Justice Wake-Up Call

     · 2020, Lisa Friedman and Julia Rosen, New York Times

     · Explains the inseparable entwinement of the fight for racial justice in the United States and climate justice

     · Draws comparison between George Floyd “I can't breathe” and the disproportionately high

       instances of poor air quality in predominantly black and brown neighborhoods

     ·      Explores need to understand the interconnectedness between police brutality, health disparities, and

       built environment when enacting policy change

JEDI & Environmental racism


EJ ~ Environmental Justice

DEI, JEDI, IDEA, DEIJ and other

   variants incorporate:

       A ~ Access

       D ~ Diversity

       E ~ Equity

       I ~ Inclusion

       J ~ Justice    


   Environmental justice has been defined as the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies (USEPA, 2017).

    Environmental racism has been defined as racial discrimination in environmental policy making, the enforcement of regulations and laws, the deliberate targeting of communities of color for toxic waste facilities, the official sanctioning of the life-threatening presence of poisons and pollutants in our communities, and the history of excluding people of color from leadership of the ecology movements (Bullard 2000).






& Summary