
A web·guide to the glocal environment



World geography hub > Africa >

Contents below:

     · International

       · Networks

         · Research

           · NGOs


Africa RISE

      · Reform for Investment & Sustainable Economies

African Union (AU)

     AU Development Agency (AUDA)     

           · Formerly the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Agency

          · Natural resources governance & food security

     African Risk Capacity (ARC)

     Agenda 2063

     Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture

          Sustainable environment

African Development Bank (AfDB)

     Climate change


     Climate Change and Green Growth Department

Conference of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC)

African Group of Negotiators on Climate Change (AGN)

Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa (SESSA)  

United Nations

     Africa Renewal

     Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

          Natural resource management

     Environment Programme (UNEP)


               African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN)

               Africa Environmental Education and Training Action Plan 2015-2024 (AEETAP)

     Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA)


African Natural Capital Alliance (ANCA)


African Climate and Environment Center – Future African Savannas (AFAS)

African Wildlife Economy Institute

West African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL)


AFR100: African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative

African Parks

African Conservation Foundation

African Conservation Fund

African Population and Health Research Center

African Wildlife Conservation Fund

African Wildlife Foundation

Bat Conservation Africa

Born Free Foundation

Chengeta Wildlife

China-Africa Wildlife Conservation Council @ Aspen Institute

David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Evironment Africa

Environmental Foundation for Africa (EFA)

Game Rangers’ Association of Africa

Halo Trust

Lion Guardians

Maliasili Initiatives

Network for Eco-Farming in Africa

Safaris Africana

Southern African Faith Communities' Environment Institute (SAFCEI)

Trans Africa Pipeline


     · "Tusk’s mission is to amplify the impact of progressive conservation initiatives across Africa."

Wild Tomorrow

Wilderness Foundation Africa

African institutions

Most institions on this page are generally focused on environment & sustainability; see the parent Africa page for additional topic-focused institutions.