Contents below:
European Union (EU) ~ General
European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet)
· “...a partnership network of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its 38 member
and cooperating countries. EEA and Eionet gather and develop data, knowledge, and advice
to policy makers about Europe's environment.”
State of the European Environment Report (SOER)
European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT)
· See sections on "Agriculture & fisheries" and "Environment & energy"
Network for the implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL)
European Commission
Agriculture and Rural Development
Ozone layer and ultra-violet radiation
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
EU Science Hub/Joint Research Centre
Energy, climate change, environment
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
European Drought Observatory (EDO)
Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO)
CREAM: Mechanistic Effect Models for Ecological Risk Assessment of Chemicals
· “...a key European Union (EU) instruments that strengthens cooperation between regions and
countries within the EU. As part of the EU’s Cohesion Policy, Interreg plays a vital role in promoting
regional development, cohesion, and reducing economic disparities. For the 2021-2027 period,
Interreg is focused on addressing current challenges like climate change, digital transformation, and
social inclusion.”
· Interreg Atlantic Area 2014-2020
· “...a European funding programme that promotes transnational cooperation among 36 Atlantic
regions of five European countries. With a total budget of € 185M, being €140M of European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF), this programme cofinances cooperation projects in the
fields of Innovation & Competitiveness, Resource Efficiency, Territorial Risks Management,
Biodiversity and Natural & Cultural Assets.”
Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges” (S4D4C)
European Parliament
European institutions ~ European Union
Topic-focused EU info (eg, on biodiversity, climate change) is included on the main Europe page.