
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Eastern Hemisphere > Europe >

Contents below:

     · Transboundary cooperation

       · European Green Belt

         · Scandanavia (Nordic countries)

           · Baltic Sea

             · Ireland

               · Rhine river basin

                 · Alps

                   · Carpathian Mountains

                     · Ukraine-Russia

                       · Balkans

Also see:

     · Mediterranean region

       · Freshwater & transboundary watercourses @ Europe

         · Transboundary air pollution in Europe

Transboundary cooperation

EUROPARK Federation

     Transboundary cooperation

European Transfrontier Co-operation Convention

     · Full title: European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial

       Communities or Authorities

European Green Belt

European Greenbelt

European Green Belt @ Wikipedia

European Green Belt @ EuroNatur Foundation

Scandanavia (Nordic countries)

Finnish-Swedish Transboundary River Commission

Nordic Green Left Alliance

Nordic Network for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (NIES)


Örebro University

     Advancing Strong Sustainability in the Nordic Social Science and Humanities (StrongSSH) network

Baltic Sea region

Baltic Sea @ Climate Adapt

Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission (HELCOM)

     · collaboration of 9 European countries to protect the Baltic marine environment

Council of the Baltic Sea States

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region


Lough Melvin @ UK JNCC

Lough Melvin Programme

Rhine River Basin

International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR)

     · established in 1950 by Germany, France, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland and is

       the basis for international cooperation for the protection of the Rhine within the ICPR


Alliance for the Alps


Alpine Convention

Commission Internationale pour La Protection des Alpes (CIPRA)

European Alpine Program @ WWF

European Strategy for Alpine Region (EUSALP)


Carpathian Mountains

Carpathian Convention

Carpathian Biodiversity Framework

Supporting the coexistence and conservation of Carpathian LargE CArnivores (LECA, Interreg Central Europe)


Environmental impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine @ Wikipedia

New coordination center to assess environmental impacts of the war on Ukraine

The toxic legacy of the Ukraine war @ UNEP


Balkan Green Energy News

Save the Blue Heart of Europe - A campaign for the protection of Balkan Rivers

European transboundary regions




& Summary

Anna Ziselman of Brandeis University contributed to this page in 2023.