
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Western Hemisphere hub > South America >

Contents below:

     · Information

       · Institutions:

              ~ International organizations & initiatives

              ~ Research organizations

              ~ NGOs

Also see: Andes-Amazon-Atlantic Pathway @ South America


Amazon Destruction @ Mongabay

Amazon Interactive @ EduWeb

Amazon Protection Plan @ Climate Principals

Amazon Region Protected Areas Program [Brazil]

     Wikipedia entry


~ International organizations & initiatives ~

Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO)

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program

     World Bank page

     World Bank C4D page

     Global Environment Facility page

~ Research ~

Amazon Environmental Research Institute

     · IPAM: Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia

Science Panel for the Amazon

~ NGOs ~

     · Also see Brazil page and Columbia page

2019 Leticia Pact for the Amazon

Amazon Aid Foundation

Amazon Biodiversity Center

Amazon Conservation Association

Amazon Conservation Team

Amazon Frontlines

Amazon Fund [Brazil]


     Amazon Rainforest

     Protected areas and climate change

          · WWF initiative focusing on the Amazon

Amazon Rainforest interactive @ CFR

Amazon Regional Center, INPE [Brazil]

Amazon Watch

Amazonia: Mapping Essential Natural Capital @ Conservation International

     · pdf

     · online map

Forest Fund

Science Panel for the Amazon

Visión Amazonía [Columbia]

Amazon region