
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Movement ecology & animal migration hub >

Contents of this page:

     · General information

       · Climate change

         · Select readings on migratory species, ecosystem services & nature‘s contributions to people (NCPs)


     · Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)

       · Timeline of international agreements for migratory species conservation

         · Migratory aquatic species

           · Migratory birds

Also see:

     · Biodiversity databases, where databases focused on animal movement & migratory species are highlighted.

Migratory species & animal migration

Select readings on migratory species, ecosystem services (ES)

     & nature’s contributions to people (NCPs)

Bagstad, Kenneth J., Darius J. Semmens, James E. Diffendorfer, Brady J. Mattsson, James Dubovsky, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Ruscena Wiederholt, John Loomis, Joanna A. Bieri, Christine Sample, Joshua Goldstein, and Laura López-Hoffman. 2018. Ecosystem service flows from a migratory species: Spatial subsidies of the northern pintail. Ambio 48, no. 1: 61-73.

Chester, Charles C., Aaron M. Lien, Juanita Sundberg, Jay E. Diffendorfer, Columba Gonzalez‐Duarte, Brady J. Mattsson, Rodrigo A. Medellín, Darius J. Semmens, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Jonathan J. Derbridge, and Laura López‐Hoffman. 2022. Using ecosystem services to identify inequitable outcomes in migratory species conservation. Conservation Letters e12920.

Kulmala, S, P Haapasaari, TP Karjalainen, S Kuikka, T Pakarinen, K Parkkila, A Romakkaniemi, and PJ Vuorinen. 2012. Ecosystem services provided by Baltic salmon: A regional perspective to the socio-economic benefits associated with a keystone migratory species. In Synthesis in the context of the economics of ecosystems and biodiversity (TEEB), eds. M. Kettunen, P. Vihervaara, S. Kinnunen, D. D’Amato, T. Badura, M. Argimon, and P. Ten Brink, 266-276.

López-Hoffman, L., D. Semmens, and J. Diffendorfer. 2013. How do migratory species add ecosystem services value to wilderness? International Journal of Wilderness 19, no. 1: 14-19.

López-Hoffman, Laura, Charles C. Chester, and Robert Merideth. 2017. Conserving transborder migratory bats, preserving nature’s benefits to humans: The lesson from North America’s bird conservation treaties. BioScience 67, no. 4: 321-322.

López-Hoffman, Laura, Charles C Chester, Darius J Semmens, Wayne E Thogmartin, M Sofia Rodríguez-McGoffin, Robert Merideth, and Jay E Diffendorfer. 2017. Ecosystem services from transborder migratory species: Implications for conservation governance. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 42, 509-539.

López-Hoffman, Laura, Jay Diffendorfer, Ruscena Wiederholt, Kenneth J. Bagstad, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Gary McCracken, Rodrigo L. Medellin, Amy Russell, and Darius J. Semmens. 2017. Operationalizing the telecoupling framework for migratory species using the spatial subsidies approach to examine ecosystem services provided by Mexican free-tailed bats. Ecology and Society 22, no. 4: 23.

Semmens, Darius J., James E. Diffendorfer, Laura López-Hoffman, and Carl D. Shapiro. 2011. Accounting for the ecosystem services of migratory species: Quantifying migration support and spatial subsidies. Ecological Economics 70, no. 12: 2236-2242.

Semmens, Darius J., Jay E. Diffendorfer, Kenneth J. Bagstad, Ruscena Wiederholt, Karen Oberhauser, Leslie Ries, Brice X. Semmens, Joshua Goldstein, John Loomis, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Brady J. Mattsson, and Laura López-Hoffman. 2018. Quantifying ecosystem service flows at multiple scales across the range of a long-distance migratory species. Ecosystem Services 31, 255-264.

Whelan, Christopher J., Daniel G. Wenny, and Robert J. Marquis. 2008. Ecosystem Services Provided by Birds. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1134, no. 1: 25-60.

Yam, RS, KP Huang, HL Hsieh, HJ Lin, and SC Huang. 2015. An ecosystem-service approach to evaluate the role of non-native species in urbanized wetlands. Int J Environ Res Public Health 12, no. 4: 3926-3943.