
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Movement ecology & animal migration hub > Migratory species >

Contents below:

     · General information

       · Institutions

              ~ Data repositories

              ~ International organizations

              ~ Government agencies

              ~ NGOs & initiatives

General information

Fish migration @ Wikipedia


~ Data repositories ~

MegaMove: Marine Megafauna Movement

     · Formerly the Marine Megafauna Movement Analytical Program (MMMAP)

Migratory Connectivity in the Ocean (MiCo)

     · "...a consortium developing an extensive open-access system with the end goal of connecting

       global processes with actionable knowledge on migratory connectivity to inform worldwide

       conservation and sustainable use efforts.”

North American Freshwater Migratory Fish Database (NAFMFD)

~ International organizations ~

Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)

     Migratory Marine Species

~ Government agencies ~

Highly migratory species @ NOAA Fisheries

DiadES @ Interreg Atlantic Area of the European Union

~ NGOs & initiatives ~

Global Swimways Initiative

     WFMF page

World Fish Migration Foundation

Migratory aquatic species

Types of aquatic migration*

Diadromous: all fish that migrate between the sea and fresh water

Anadromous: fish migrate from the sea up into freshwater to spawn

Catadromous: fish migrate from fresh water down into the sea to spawn

Amphidromous: fish that migrate from fresh water to the seas, or vice

                          versa, but not for the purpose of breeding

Potamodromous: fish whose migrations occur wholly within fresh water

Oceanodromous: fish that live and migrate wholly in the sea

LPI Migratory freshwater fishes