
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Movement ecology & animal migration hub > Migratory species >

Contents below:

     · Information & education

       · Migratory Bird Day

         · Institutions

           · Mediterranean

            · Asia & Australasia

              · Pacific region

                · Western Hemisphere

                  · North America

                         ~ Canada~USA~Mexico

                         ~ Canada

                         ~ Canada-USA

                         ~ United States

                         ~ Mexico

Also see:

       · Timeline of international agreements for migratory species conservation (bird-related agreements are highlighted)

Information & education


     · Migration tools

       - Migration dashboard

    · “…provides summaries of radar-based measurements of nocturnal bird migration for the contiguous

                United States, including estimates for the total number of birds migrating as well as their directions,

                speeds, and altitudes. Watch migration patterns in near real time or see a summary for a whole night

                the next morning. Check back often to find out how migration has changed across a night and season

                and to learn which species of nocturnally migrating birds are likely migrating through your region. The

                live data feed runs from March 1 to June 15 during spring migration and from August 1 to November 15

                during fall migration.”

     · “When, where, and how far will birds migrate? How many birds passed last night? Our tools help

       you explore the answers to these and many other questions about bird migration.”

     · “BirdCast is a consortium of interdisciplinary researchers, primarily from three organizations at

       present, with a growing list of collaborators, supporters, and partners.”

Mesmerizing Migration

     · “Watch 118 Bird Species Migrate Across A Map Of The Western Hemisphere”

Eurasian African Bird Migration Atlas

Migration Science & Mystery: A Distance Learning Adventure

Winging Northward: A Shorebird's Journey

Migratory Bird Day

@ Main site

@ In the Americas

@ Environment for the Americas

@ Partners in Flight




Bird Genoscape Project

Hawk Mountain Sanctuary (HMS)

     Raptor migration data

Nature Conservancy Migratory Bird Program

Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center



     · MIKT ~ Intergovernmental Task Force on Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds in

       the Mediterranean

Asia & Australasia

East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership

     Australian government page

Pacific region

1972 Japan-USA Migratory Birds Convention

1976 USA-USSR Convention Concerning the Conservation of Migratory Birds and Their Environment

Western Hemisphere

1940 Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere

      · See Western Hemisphere page

Partners in Flight (PIF)

      · “...a dynamic and welcoming network of more than 150 partner organizations distributed throughout

         the Western Hemisphere. We are engaged in all aspects of landbird conservation from science,

         research, planning, and policy development, to land management, monitoring, education, and

         outreach. We are all dedicated to PIF's simple, proactive mission: Keeping common birds common

         and helping species at risk through voluntary partnerships.

     · PIF databases

Western Hemisphere Migratory Species Initiative (WHMSI)

     · OAS pages:

          · WHMSI

          · WHMSI      

      · As of July 27, 2017, the WHMSI page at USFS was no longer available; the initiative seems

        to have run its course.

Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN)

North America

~ Canada-USA-Mexico ~


     Flyway Councils

          Pacific Flyway Council

          Central Flyway Council

          Mississippi Flyway Council

          Atlantic Flyway Council

     Flyways @ USFWS

     Flyways @ DU

     Flyways of the Americas @ NAS

International Migratory Bird Day, Environment for the Americas

Joint Ventures

          · Directory

North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) [Main site]

          State of North Amerca's Birds 2016 report

          State of North Amerca's Birds 2017 report     

          NABCI - Mexico

North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP)

          · NAWMP @ United States Fish & Wildlife Service

          · NAWMP Canada

          · NAWMP @ AFWA

          · NAWMP @ Ducks Unlimited

~ Canada ~

Migratory Birds @ Environment and Climate Change Canada

~ Canada-USA ~

1916 US-Canada Migratory Bird Treaty

          Migratory Bird Treaty Act @ US Fish and Wildlife Service

          Migratory Bird Treaty Act

          U.S. Migratory Bird Conservation Commission

International Shorebird Conservation @ US Shorebird Conservation Partnership

Copper River International Migratory Bird Initiative

           · As of August 2017, this page existed, but had not been updated in a long time.


~ USA ~

US Federal Government

     50 CFR § 10.13 - List of Migratory Birds @ Legal Information Institute (LII)

     Environmental Protection Agency

          Migratory bird initiatives

     Fish and Wildlife Service

           Migratory Bird Program

                - This website contains a plethora of information on migratory birds.

              - Management page

                       · See left nav-bar; contains many helpful links to domestic and international programs.

              - Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act

              - Governing the take of migratory birds

           Digest of Federal Resource Laws of Interest to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

                - Many of the sources on this page pertain to international agreements on migratory species.

     National Park Service

          Park Flight

     Forest Service

          Wings Across the Americas

Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE)

     Greater Yellowstone Migrations


      Wyoming Migration Initiative

~ Mexico ~

River of Raptors

     River of Raptors film

     2020 Hawk Mountain story

     2010 Audubon story

Migratory birds





& Summary

Eurasian African Bird Migration Atlas
World Migratory Bird Day