Contents of this page:
· Northeast Atlantic
· Sargasso Sea and the “Great Sargassum Belt”
Also see:
· Baltic Sea @ European transboundary regions
· Full title: Abidjan Convention for Cooperation in the Protection, Management and Development
of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Atlantic Coast of the West, Central and Southern
Africa Region
New England Ocean Science Education Collaborative (NEOSEC)
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance
Northeast Atlantic
· ”OSPAR started in 1972 with the Oslo Convention against dumping and was broadened to cover land-
based sources of marine pollution and the offshore industry by the Paris Convention of 1974. These
two conventions were unified, up-dated and extended by the 1992 OSPAR Convention. The new annex
on biodiversity and ecosystems was adopted in 1998 to cover non-polluting human activities that
can adversely affect the sea.”
Sargasso Sea & the “Great Sargassum Belt”
Great Sargassum Belt @ Seaweed Generation