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A web·guide to the glocal environment




#1: To assist students, researchers, advocates, officials, or generally interested parties in finding topical information on the web

     regarding sustainability, conservation, the environment, and associated issues (see bell-shaped listing at top of this page).

#2: To give students of sustainability, conservation, and the environment a practical sense of the enormity of an “issue

     area” that, from the outside, might seem like a specialized endeavor. If nothing else, the extent of is

     proof that a wide range of individuals and institutions are working to ensure a sustainable and diverse planet.  

Contacting & suggestions

Please send corrections, suggestions, or updates of any kind to charles-dot-chester-at-gmail-dot-com. Alacrity in email replies

     is not my thing, but I will get to your input eventually and I'll let you know when (and how...or why not) I've incorporated

     your suggestions.

Navigational guideposts

For an overview of what is available at, you can either:

      (1) use the main navigation bar located at the top of each page or

           (2) use the sitemap.

Most overarching topics (e.g., climate change, freshwater, biodiversity, etc.) have “hub” pages that contain a sub-section of the sitemap; here for example, is what you will see at the hub for the Energy:

Many individual pages (someday, perhaps, all) begin with a “Contents” area that looks like this:

On a few pages, there is a link to a curated webpage that provides a "Subject Overview & Summary" or SOS, designated by:

A few pages contain a brown box that describes a certain functionality about the page, e.g.:

And when you see:

                             · Green text in 15-point font... are seeing either (1) a concise description or a direct explanatory quotation from a linked webpage or (2) my personal highlights, explanatory notes, pontifications, and occasional obfuscations (meaning that I'm not quite sure where to place something). And when you see this shorthand:



                                          ✔︎Info@⇾ means “more information available at” the following link to see an external website that provides another set of links to resources on the web.  

Origins, status & considerations

The site began as both a resource for my students and a functional alternative to my grab-bag of web bookmarks. I used to call it an electronic “pit,” but over time it's become more of an e-pile. It contains the shards of two websites I created years ago that focused on biodiversity, and then was online under the monickers ( and ( The title was adopted in late winter 2021.

The site is very much a work-in-progress, and the rapidly unfolding pace of international environmental developments entails a permanent state of under construction. As some near-empty pages will indicate, there are many holes waiting to be filled; no doubt, there are numerous holes still waiting to be identified.

A few things to keep in mind as you look through:

     • The categories reflect only one perspective on sustainability, conservation & environmental issues, and there are many  

         other ways to organize the overwhelmingly broad topic of “sustainability, conservation & environment.” That said,

         the catgorization system on is fairly typical of what you'll see in the literature.

     •  While a constant stream of outdated links is inevitable, a quick cut-&-paste into a web search is likely to get

         you where you want to go (or to the news that whatever you found of interest has gone defunct).

     • If you find this website too limited in its topical coverage, geographic breadth, and historical analysis, try here; for an

         advanced practicum on the interplay of environmental health and security issues at a multiglobal scale (as well as the

         implementation of effective negotiation tactics), try here.

Acknowledgements & sponsorship

Colleagues and my students at Brandeis University and elsewhere have helped build certain pages, which are generally indicated in blue either at the bottom banner or in the top right corner of the relevant page.

Many thanks to the extremely patient and wise counsel of Mac Doctor in making this website possible.

This website has been brought to you by the letters B and Y (in an effort to eschew quantitative bias, all numbers have been

barred from sponsorship). If this website has been helpful, please don't hesitate to send a generous contribution to one of

the two following organizations:

                         Bat Conservation International (BCI)

                         Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y)

If you are trying to read this on a smartphone... apologies. I have long-standing and definitive intentions of initiating a planning process for the implementation stage of portable small-screen accessibility during the ensuing phase of development, which will occur in sequential order after the currrent pre-investigatory phase is completed and the subsequent, secondary phase has commenced and is fully operational in a performance-optimized implementation modality.

About me

Finally, if you've read this far and haven't fallen comatose at your computer screen, I defy you to take a look at the following almost-never-updated webpages:

                         • my Brandeis faculty page;

                         • my Fletcher School faculty page;

                         • my Google Scholar page;

                         • my Island Press author page;

                         • a panoramic investigation into the diversity of fermented curd.

Warning: click here to see unsorted links that were bookmarked about a decade ago.

...or a green box like this...


A web·guide to sustainable development,

conservation & the glocal environment

categorizing thousands of websites on:





Earth Sciences

Natural resources

Global Public Health

Environmental Health

Earth Systems Science

Environmental Studies

Environmental Science

Transborder Conservation

Sustainable Development

Earth Systems Governance

Environmental Conservation

Global Environmental Politics

Natural Resource Management

Community-based Conservation

Global Environmental Governance

Sustainable Development Diplomacy

International Environmental Law & Policy

Transboundary Natural Resource Management

Contents of this page:

     · This

       · That


     · Other thing

Also see:

     · Something else




& Summary

Climate change & Biodiversity

are highlighted