
A  web·guide to sustainable development, conservation & the glocal environment



Climate change hub

     Climate A>Z


     Climate science & information

          Science institutions     

          Key climate science assessments & reports

          Greenhouse gases (GHGs)

          Modeling, mapping, scenario planning +

          Carbon accounting, tracking & calculators


          Communications & simulations

          Books & bibliographies


          Extreme weather & flooding


          Climate change & the arts, including CliFi



          Climate Justice

               Climate activism & advocacy

               Divestment & re/investment

          Diplomacy & negotiations


                    Online guides to COP-28

               Country emissions & NDCs

          Denialism, backlash, etc.



               Climate finance

               Carbon pricing (taxes, markets & ETSs)

               Carbon offsets & net zero emissions (NZE)

               Carbon sequestration (including CCS & CDR)

               Geoengineering & climate intervention

          Adaptation & resilience

          Loss & damage

In addition to the Climate change pages (listed to left),

more climate change resources are available

on the following pages:

· Periodicals*

  · Documentary films*

    · NGOs*

      · Journalism, media & press*

        · International, environmental & climate security

          · Refugees, migrants & IDPs

            · Climate change @ Global public health            

              · Env'l and climate indicators & risk assessment

                · Env'l psychology, climate anxiety & nature therapy

                  · Environment, religion & spirituality*

                    · Environmental & climate history

                      · Oceans & climate change

                        · Sea level rise & coastal change

                          · Forests & climate change

                            · Agriculture & climate change

                              · Urban climate change

                                · Ecosystem approach (inc. NbS, NCS & EbA)

                                  · Climate change & biodiversity

                                    · Corals & coral reefs

For place-based climate change information, start at:

          · Continental geography & transboundary regions

            · Countries A>Z

              · USA page on climate change

Climate change hub

Where to begin?

If you are new to the issue of climate change, the extent of resources on the web can be overwhelming.

Don't worry: it's overwhelming to those who have been in this field for their entire careers. So “where to begin?” is a very reasonable question.

A wide of general information is available on the General reference & information on climate change page, including a number of climate change “primers.”

Additionally, see this UN-sponsored listing of major reports on climate change.

But if you are looking for one single authoritative resource, a reasonable place to start is with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the international body constituted in 1988 by the WMO and UNEP to assess the status of climate change science.

Since 1990, thousands of scientists working under the IPCC framework have produced a major assessment of climate change science every 5-7 years. The process has become so laborious that it now takes more than one year just to release the complete report.

The latest final overview was issued in 2023, and includes a 42-page Summary for Policymakers (SPM). This document represents the core commonly held understanding and assessment of climate change proferred by the scientific community.

* climate change resources on

   these pages are highlighted