Contents below:
· General information on grants & grantmaking
· Associations, networks & philanthropy support institutions
· Directories of granting opportunities
General information on grants & grantmaking
Environmental grants @ GrantWatch
· A commercial service.
Behind the Scenes: Two Types of Grantmaking Strategies
Follow Trends in Environmental Philanthropy
GuideStar Tips for Grant Writing
Associations, networks & philanthropy support institutions
· “Established in 2009, the Belmont Forum is a partnership of funding organizations, international
science councils, and regional consortia committed to the advancement of transdisciplinary science.
Themes addressed by CRAs have included Freshwater Security, Coastal Vulnerability, Food Security
and Land Use Change, Climate Predictability and Inter-Regional Linkages, Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Services, Arctic Observing and Science for Sustainability, and Mountains as Sentinels of Change.”
Biodiversity Funders Group (BFG)
· Formerly the Consultative Group on Biological Diversity
Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA)
· “...a network of more than 60 foundations and philanthropic organizations from different parts of
the world, calling for joint, transnational action towards sustainable development, along positive
transformation examples to provide pathways towards solutions of today’s most pressing challenges –
climate change and a just transition towards sustainable development, based on renewable energy.
F20 wants to be part of the solution and builds bridges between civil society, the business and
financial sectors, think tanks and politics – within the G20 countries, between them and beyond.”
Global Philanthropy Forum (GPF)
New Venture Fund → Environment
Directories of granting opportunities
Environmental Grants @ GrantWatch
· A pay-for service.
Directories of grantmakers
A "master" list of individual funders has been compiled at the Funders, foundations & grantmakers page, but there are many online
directories offering varying levels of breadth (viz., numbers of individual grantmakers) and depth (viz., information on each particular
grantmaker), the most prominent of which are listed here.
· This map-based database is provided by the Institute for Energy Research, which has been identified as a Koch-funded climate change
denialist organization. IER describes the database as highlighting "a group of foundations that spend billions of dollars supporting
aggressive climate litigation, the promotion of uneconomic renewable energy sources, and overburdening regulations."
Biodiversity Funders Group (BFG)
Members & program participants
· "Foundation Center and GuideStar joined forces to become Candid, a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Candid connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to do it.... We’re
working on bringing all of our resources together. For now, you can access Foundation Center and
GuideStar products and services through their websites" [as of June 2019].
· Foundation Center Directory Online
Directory of Charities and Nonprofit Organizations
Conservation & environmental foundations @ Wikipedia
· Not a very thorough listing.
Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA)
· “...develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural
resources in the world's developing countries.”
Government grants
Environmental Education (EE) Grants @ USEPA
Climate change initiatives
· “...a collaborative of foundations that believe forests and sustainable land use are an essential
part of the global response to climate change.”
Climate Leadership Initiative (CLI)
· “...mobilizes and channels the creativity, passion, and generosity of philanthropists to address the
most profound challenge of our time–climate change. We balance rigor with urgency in our work
to nimbly engage donors with expert insights and tailored giving opportunities that cross-cut issues
such as health, poverty, food and water, economic justice, and biodiversity, all of which intersect
with the climate. CLI is not a grantmaking organization. Instead, we source and vet solutions from
the broader climate community across sectors, geographies, and strategies; and connect philanthropists
directly to the organizations implementing them. These solutions range from promising early-stage
ideas to proven opportunities ready for scale.”
· Climate Funders Justice Pledge
Funders, foundations & grantmakers ~ Information
Actors >