Contents below:
· Information
· Listings
· Individuals
Brower, David
Prefigurative Park Services (PPS)
Bullard Center for Environmental & Climate Justice
Texas Southern University page
Butler, Octavia
Octavia E. Butler Legacy Network
1997 Albert Schweitzer Award of Excellence
Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge
Rachel Carson Trails Conservancy
Commoner, Barry
Darwin, Charles
Dasmann, Ray
Guide to the Raymond F. Dasmann papers MS.261
Drutman, Kristy (Browngirl Green)
Ehrlich, Paul
Gore, Al
Johnson, Ayana Elizabeth
MacArthur Fellow video on RWK (2 minutes)
Gifts of the Land: A guided nature tour with RWK (21 minute video)
Maathai, Wangari
Marshall, Robert ("Bob")
Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation
A Finding Aid to the Robert Marshall Papers
Wilderness Society
Meadows, Donella
Molina, Mario
Muir, John
Olmstead, Frederick Law
· Celebrating the visionary behind Boston's Emerald Necklace
Pomerance, Rafe
Rowland, Sherwood
Thoreau, Henry David (HDT)
· Also see Walden Pond & Thoreauvian sites
@ Greater Boston Conservation History Tour
Guides & works:
HDT Collection @ Concord Museum
Writings of HDT @ UCSB
Biographic entries:
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Individuals & citizens
Actors >
Color key
Individuals highlighted in orange focus on environmental justice (EJ) & Indigenous rights.
Individuals highlighted in yellow have written one or more books directly on the topic of climate change.
Please note that this is a work in progress...
Environmental citizenship [definition]
Notable environmentalists @ Wikipedia
Earthshakers: the top 100 green campaigners of all time
· 2006 listing by The Guardian
· Based on a random guess that 1/80 people are actively engaged in sustainability, conservation &
environment, this page should list approximately 100 million individuals. Instead, it contains a
short, highly eclectic listing of individuals whose names have become prominent in the public
sphere. It should not be considered representative of the vast (and growing) number of individuals
involved in environmental matters.