
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Press/media resources

Climate change resources for media @ NASA

Global South Climate Database @ Carbon Brief

Earth Journalism Toolkits @ EJN



    News site

Center for Climate Reporting

Center for Environmental Journalism

Climate Feedback

     · "...a worldwide network of scientists sorting fact from fiction in climate change media coverage.

      Our goal is to help readers know which news to trust.

Climate Media Coalition

Covering Climate Now



Earth Journalism Network

European Data Journalism Network



     Climate change



Media and Climate Change Observatory (MeCCO)

      · Produces Monthly Summaries of "89 sources (across newspapers, radio and TV) in 38 countries in

     seven different regions around the world. We assemble the data by accessing archives through the

     Lexis Nexis, Proquest and Factiva databases via the University of Colorado libraries.”

Oxford Climate Journalism Network

Society of Environmental Journalists

Solutions Journalism Network (SJN)

Journalism, press & media sector

This page focuses on the media/press/journalism as an actor in global environmental politics.

For environmental & climate news, start with the News page.

Climate change links are highlighted