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Climate change & Biodiversity

are highlighted

While the majority of NGOs listed on this page address climate change and/or biodiversity in some way, those with a core institutional focus on one or the other are highlighted. Note that this is a work in progress, and that such designations are tentative and subjective; there are no straightforward criteria and widely accepted criteria for determining whether an NGO is focused on climate or biodiversity.

#     [🔝]


    News site

100 Resilient Cities

     · Now Resilient Cities Network

314 Action

2022 Initiative Foundation

A     [🔝]

A Rocha

Academia United on Climate Change

Academic Working Group (AWG) on Climate Engineering Governance

Academy for Systems Change

     Donella Meadows Project

Acadia Center

     · “mission is to advance bold, effective clean energy solutions for a livable climate and

       a stronger, more equitable economy.

Act for Wildlife @ Chester Zoo

Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center

Advocates for Snake Protection (ASP)

AFR100: African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative

African Parks

African Conservation Foundation

African Population and Health Research Center

African Wildlife Conservation Fund

African Wildlife Foundation

Alliance for a Climate Resilient Earth (ACRE)

Alliance for America's Fish & Wildlife

Alliance for Climate Education

Alliance for Environmental Markets and Investments (AEMI)

Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA)

Alliance for Market Solutions

Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics

Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC)

American Bird Conservancy (ABC)

          ABC Directory

          ABC Bird Conservation Initiatives Links

American Lung Association

     Clean air

American Cancer Society (ACS)

American Rivers

     · Combines advocacy with field work to ensure the greatest impact for river basins.

     Map of U.S. Dams Removed Since 1912

American Eagle Foundation

American Public Health Association (APHA)

     Global health

American Whitewater

Amnesty International

     Climate change

Applied Economics Clinic

Aquatic Life Institute (ALI)

Arab Forum on Environment and Development

Arbor Day Foundation

As You Sow

Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) [India]

Aspen Global Change Institute

Aspen Institute

     Energy & Environment Program

          This is Planet Ed

Association for the Conservation of Threatened Parrots (ACTP)

Atlantic Council

     · Energy & environment

    · Resilience & society

Audubon ~ Guide to chapters

Australasian Center for Corporate Responsibility

     Climate & environment

     Global Climate Insights

Australasian Bat Society

Australia Institute

     Climate & Energy Program

Austrailian Religious Response to Climate Change


Avoided Deforestation Partners

B     [🔝]

B Team

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

Bailout Watch

     · “The BailoutWatch team draws on publicly-available data, news reports, and new analysis to examine

        how oil, gas, coal, and related industries are being propped up by the government’s response to

        COVID-19 and the resulting recession.”

Bat Conservation Africa

Bat Conservation International (BCI)

Bellona Foundation

Better Future Project (BFP)

Beyond Extreme Energy (BXE)

     · “a grassroots network of organizers founded in 2014. BXE members are each embedded in their

       own local area fights, but we join together to fight the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

       (FERC) and support frontline struggles against fossil fuel expansion.”

Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation

Big Shift Global

Billfish Foundation

Biodiversity Conservancy International

Biodiversity East

Biodiversity for a Livable Climate

     EcoRestoration Alliance

Biodiversity Research Institute


Bird Conservation Alliance

BirdLife International


Black Swamp Bird Observatory (BSBO)

Blue Marine Foundation

     · a small NGO that attempts to solve the crisis in the ocean by establishing

     marine reserves; has many international projects

Blue Planet Society

Blue Ventures

BlueGreen Alliance

Boone and Crockett Club

Born Free Foundation

Brookings Institution

     Climate and Energy Economics Project

     Energy Security and Climate Initiative


Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

     Natural Resources

C     [🔝]


Cambridge Conservation Forum

     -Climate Change subgroup

     -Climate Change subgroup Google page

Cambridge Conservation Initiative

Campaign Against Climate Change [UK]

Carbon Disclosure Project

     · See CDP

Carbon Tracker Initiative

     · “ independent financial think tank that carries out in-depth analysis on the impact of the energy

     transition on capital markets and the potential investment in high-cost, carbon-intensive fossil fuels.”

Carbon Underground


Care of Creation

     Climate Caregivers



     Global Warming


     · Formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project

     Carbon Majors Database (2017)

Center for American Progress

     · Energy & Environment page

     · Center for American Progress Action Fund

             · Energy & Environment page

Center for Animals & Public Policy

     · @ Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine

Center for Biological Diversity

     Climate Law Institute

     Take Extinction Off Your Plate campaign

     · Works to "secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction.

       We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters

       and climate that species need to survive."

Center for Climate & Energy Solutions (C2ES)

     · Formerly the Pew Center on Global Climate Change

Center for Climate & Security

Center for Climate Integrity

     · “...provides support to those who have suffered damage due to climate change and who seek to hold

       climate polluters accountable.”

     · Pay Up Climate Polluters

     · Climate Costs in 2040

Center for Climate Safety

Center for Coastal Studies

     · From mission statement: "To conduct scientific research with emphasis on marine mammals of the western

       North Atlantic and on the coastal and marine habitats and resources of the Gulf of Maine..."

Center for Conservation Innovation (CCI @ Defenders of Wildlife)

Center for Diversity & the Environment

Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy

Center for Ecosystem Sentinals

Center for Environmental Health (CEH)

Center for Environmental Markets @ Goldman Sachs

Center for Food Integrity

Center for Food Safety

Center for International Climate Research (CICERO) [Norway]

Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)

Center for Native Ecosystems

Center for Oceanic Awareness, Research and Education (COARE)

Centre for People and Forests (RECOFTC)

Centre for Policy Research (CPR)

     Environmental Law & Governance

     Environmentality blog

Center for Progressive Reform

     Environment & energy

Center for Public Integrity


Center for Resource Solutions (CRS)

Center for Responsive Politics

     Toxic chemicals

     Energy/Climate change

Center for Science and the Environment [India]

Center for Science in the Public Interest

Center for Social and Sustainable Products

Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy

Center for Western Priorities

Center For World Indigenous Studies

Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé (CEBC)

Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA)


Change the Chamber

     · “As youth, we take on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the largest dark money, pro-fossil fuel

       group in the United States. We hold the Chamber, its member corporations, and other influential

       companies accountable for obstructing climate policies.”

Charity: water

Chatham House


Chelonian Research Foundation

Chengeta Wildlife

Chimp Haven

Chimpanzee Conservation Center (CCC)

China-Africa Wildlife Conservation Council @ Aspen Institute

Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI)

     U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre

          Climate change

          Natural resources & energy

          Renewable resources

     Climate & natural resources

Christian Aid

     Climate change

Christian Coalition

     · "America's Path to Progress Platform" on energy independence

Citepa [France]

     · Full translated name: Technical Reference Center for Air Pollution and Climate Change

Citizens Climate Education (CCE)

Citizens' Climate Lobby

Civil Liberties Defense Center

     Climate Activist Defense

Clean Air Watch

     · Appears defunct as of January 2023

Clean Air Task Force (CATF)

Clean Cooking Alliance

Clean Meat Hoax

Clean Water Action


     · "ClearPath’s mission is to develop and advance conservative policies that accelerate clean energy


ClearPath Action Fund

Clergy Climate Action



     · “.. a woman-led nonprofit in Cambridge, MA, with a mission to make climate science and clean

       energy understandable and actionable for everyone. Climable’s end goals are energy democracy

       (public participation in the energy transition) and climate resilience (improved avenues for

       anticipating, preparing for, and responding to climate disasters)"


Climate & Clean Air Coalition

Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)

Climate and Migration Coalition

Climate Accountability Institute

     · "...engages in research and education on anthropogenic climate change, dangerous interference with

       the climate system, and thecontribution of fossil fuel producers' carbon  production to atmospheric

       carbon dioxide content."

Climate Action

Climate Action Campaign [San Diego, USA]

Climate Action Network


Climate Action Programme

Climate Advisers

Climate Analytics

     · "...a non-profit climate science and policy institute based in Berlin, Germany with offices in New

       York, USA, Lomé, Togo and Perth, Australia, which brings together interdisciplinary expertise in

       the scientific and policy aspects of climate change. Our mission is to synthesise and advance

       scientific knowledge in the area of climate change and on this basis provide support and capacity

       building to stakeholders."

     · Climate Action Tracker

           · " independent scientific analysis that tracks government climate action and measures it against

               the globally agreed Paris Agreement aim of "holding warming well below 2°C, and pursuing efforts

            to limit warming to 1.5°C." A collaboration of two organisations, Climate Analytics and New Climate

            Institute, the CAT has been providing this independent analysis to policymakers since 2009."

Climate and Community Project (CCP) @ Tides

Climate Cabinet Action

Climate Cardinals

Climate Caregivers

Climate Central

   · “An independent organization of leading scientists and journalists researching and reporting the facts

       about our changing climate and its impact on the public.”

Climate Chance Association

     · "...brings together all of the actors involved in the implementation of the objectives of the

       international Agendas on Climate, Biodiversity and Desertification, in keeping with the Sustainable

       Development Goals. It is the only international association seeking to connect all non-state actors

       from Europe and Africa, working on the acceleration of local action : from local governments,

       businesses, and civil society organisations, to the media, researchers and citizens.”

Climate Change Connection

     · “...a charitable non-government organization working to  educate Manitobans about climate change [&]

        facilitate climate change solutions”

Climate Change: Impacts & Responses Research Network

Climate Coalition [UK]

Climate Code Blue

Climate CoLab

Climate Communication

     · "...a non-profit science and outreach project supported by a grant from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund."

Climate Consent Foundation [UK]

Climate Defense Project

Climate Defiance

Climate Direct Action Fund (aka,

Climate Disobedience Center

     · “...exists to support a growing community of climate dissidents who take the risk of acting  

        commensurate with the scale and urgency of the crisis.”

Climate Emergency Fund

Climate Equity Policy Center

Climate for Health

Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy

Climate Group

     · "OUR MISSION: Accelerating climate action. OUR GOAL: A world of no more than 1.5°C of global

        warming and greater prosperity for all. HOW WE DO IT: We bring together powerful networks of  

        businesses and governments, which shift global markets and policies toward this goal."s     

Climate Hawks

Climate Institute

     · “Founded in 1986, the Climate Institute was the world’s first organization focused solely on climate

          change.  Since its founding, the Institute has been instrumental in moving climate change onto the

          international agenda, fostering collaboration between developing countries and richer nations, and

          in launching and implementing pioneering studies and initiatives on subjects such as environmental

          refugees, transforming the energy infrastructure of small island states, and catalyzing policymaker

          focus on the necessity of limiting emissions of black carbon and other short-lived climate forcers.”

Climate Interactive

Climate Interpreter

Climate Investigations Center

     · "...established in 2014 to monitor the individuals, corporations, trade associations, political

        organizations and front groups who work to delay the implementation of sound energy and

        environmental policies that are necessary in the face of ongoing climate crisis.”

Climate Jobs National Resource Center (CJNRC)

     Climate Jobs National Resource Center Action Fund (CJNRCAC)

Climate Justice Action

Climate Justice Alliance @ Ruckus Society

Climate Justice Initiative (CJI)

Climate Justice Network (CJN)

Climate Justice Now!

     · Website has not been updated since 2012.

Climate Justice Resielince Fund (CJRF)

Climate Knowledge Brokers

    · "...a growing alliance of currently around 150 leading global, regional and national knowledge

       brokers specialising in climate and development information. It brings together a diverse set of

       information players, from international organisations to research institutes, NGOs and good

       practice networks, and covers the full breadth of climate related themes."

Climate Leadership Council

Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)

     · "A collection of 700+ free, ready-to-use learning resources rigorously reviewed by educators and

        scientists suitable for secondary through higher education classrooms."

Climate Mayors (Mayors National Climate Action Agenda)

Climate Mobilization

     · "The Climate Mobilization (TCM) is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that develops and advocates for climate

       mobilization policies and engages in direct political work. Donations toward this work are not tax-


     · "Climate Mobilization Project (CMP) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to educating

        the public and growing a movement of people calling for a truth-based response to climate change

       that matches the scope, scale, and speed of the emergency. Donations toward this work are tax-


Climate Perks

Climate Policy Initiative

     · “ analysis and advisory organization with deep expertise in finance and policy. Our mission is to

       help governments, businesses, and financial institutions drive economic growth while addressing

       climate change.”

Climate Protection & Restoration Initiative

Climate Psychiatry Alliance

Climate Psychology Alliance

Climate Reality Project

Climate Ride

Climate Rights International

Climate Science Legal Defense Fund

Climate Science Rapid Response Team

Climate Smart Land Network

Climate Solutions

Climate Wise Women


     · " to change the conversation on climate change and clean energy from an argument to a

       constructive search for solutions...Climate Nexus leverages all forms of communication to tell the

       stories of the people impacted by climate change and those driving the energy transition. To

       achieve these goals, we work with the media, non-profits, community organizations, business

       leaders and policymakers."

ClimateWorks Foundation

Climate XChange

Club of Rome

Coalition for Conservation Genetics (CCG)

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)

Coalition for Responsible Gene Editing in Agriculture

Coalition on the Environment & Jewish Life

Coalition to Protect America's National Parks (US)

Coastal Care

     · Hosts the site


Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE)

College Climate Coalition

     Facebook page

     Instagram page

     Twitter page

Committee on Climate Change [UK]

Conceivable Futures


     · "...a global partnership program launched by the World Bank Group and the Italian Ministry of

       Environment, Land and Sea, together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation

       and Development, that takes on climate change by supporting ambitious leadership, promoting

       transformative solutions and empowering collective action."

Connecticut Green Bank

Consejo Interregional Amazonico (CIAM, Peru)

Conservation Alliance

Conservation Biology Institute

Conservation Fund

     Wetland & watershed conservation

Conservation International

     Moore Center for Science

Conservation Law Center

Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF)

Conservation X Labs

Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions (C3 Solutions)

Context Institute

Copenhagen Consensus Center

Cornell Alliance for Science

Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

Corporate Accountability

Corporate Europe Observatory

Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) [Asia]

Council on Foreign Relations

     Climate Change

     Energy and climate policy


Creation Care Alliance

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund

Crop Trust

Crowdsourcing Sustainability

Cultural Survival

D     [🔝]

Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

Data for Progress


     · “We are a multidisciplinary group of experts using state-of-the-art techniques in data science to

       support progressive activists and causes.”

David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

David Suzuki Foundation

Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action

Deep Decarbonization Initiative

Deep Green Resistance

Defend Our Future

Defenders of Wildlife

     Wild Without End

     Center for Conservation Innovation

Delta Waterfowl

Desert Research Institute (DRI)

Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres  (MSF)

Ducks Unlimited

Dogwood Alliance

Downwinders at Risk

Dream Corps

     Green For All

Ducks Unlimited

     USA site

     Canada site

     Mexico site

     Wetland Care (formerly Ducks Unlimited Australia)

     Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research

Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust

E     [🔝]

E2: Environmental Entrepreneurs

E3G (Third Generation Environmentalism)

     · " independent climate change think tank operating to accelerate the global transition to a

       low carbon economy.”

EAGLE Network (Eco Activists for Governance and Law Enforcement)

Eagle Hill Institute & Foundation

Earth Alliance

Earth First!

     · “Earth First! formed in 1979, in response to an increasingly corporate, compromising and

        ineffective environmental community. It is not an organization, but a movement. There are

        no “members” of EF!, only Earth First!ers. We believe in using all of the tools in the toolbox,

        from grassroots and legal organizing to civil disobedience and monkeywrenching. When

        the law won’t fix the problem, we put our bodies on the line to stop the destruction. Earth

        First!’s direct-action approach draws attention to the crises facing the natural world, and it

        saves lives.”

Earth Innovation Institute

Earth Island Institute

     Wild Heritage

Earth Law Center

Earth League International

Earth Liberation Front (ELF)

     · Wikipedia entry

Earth Mates Dialogue Center (EDMC)

Earth Ministry

Earth Strike

Earth Track

     International Network

EarthEcho International


EarthRights International

Earthwise Aware



     · "...a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on environmental education and awareness that

     includes: EXPO-Earthx2019 – the world’s largest environmental experience, EarthxConference

     a series of conferences that deal with every major issue facing our environment today, EarthxFilm

     a festival that uses the power of film and emerging media to raise awareness of environmental

     and social global issues, and EarthxEDU, an initiative that provides teachers and students with

     resources and educational experiences for a more sustainable environment."


     • "...a global, non-profit startup dedicated to transforming our global food system through sound

     science, impatient disruption and novel partnerships."

     • EAT-Lancet Commission


EcoAgriculture Partners


EcoHealth Alliance

EcoJustice [Canada]

EcoLogic Development Fund

Ecologic Institute

Ecological Society of the Philippines

Ecology Center


Eden Reforestation Projects

Education for Nature-Vietnam


     Climate change

     · " independent group of global leaders working together for peace, justice and human rights.."

Elders Climate Action

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

     Energy Systems and Climate Analysis

Elephant Action League (EAL)


Embrace Relief Water

Emerson Elemental @ Emerson Collective

End Climate Silence

Endangered Primate Rescue Center [Vietnam]

Endangered Species Coalition

Endangered Wildlife Trust

Ende Gelände [Germany]


     · International network on gender and sustainable energy

Energy Allies

Energy and Policy Institute

     · "...a watchdog organization that exposes attacks on renewable energy and counters misinformation

       by fossil fuel and utility interests."

Energy Foundation

Energy Futures Initiative (EFI)

Energy Innovation Reform Project

Energy Justice: Shale Initiative

Energy Transition: The Global Energiewende

E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation

Evironment Africa

Environment & Development Resource Centre (EDRC)

     Integrating Development, Environment and Security (IDEAS)

Environment Europe

Environmental Action

Environmental & Energy Study

Environmental Defense Action Fund

Environmental Defense Fund

     Defend Our Future

Environmental Foundation for Africa

Environmental Integrity Project

Environmental Investigation Agency [UK]

Environmental Investigation Agency [US]

Environmental Justice Foundation

Environmental Law Institute

Environmental Working Group

Equus Survival Trust

ETC Group (formerly RAFI)

Extinction Rebellion

     · Origins are in the organization Rising Up!

Emancipatory Rural Politics Initiative

Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) [Italy]

European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS)

     Environment & Climate

European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

     · "...Europe’s largest network of environmental citizens' organisations. We bring together around 150

          civil society organisations from more than 30 European countries. We stand for sustainable development,

          environmental justice & participatory democracy."

European Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FACE)

European Outdoor Conservation Association

European Wilderness Society

Evergreen Action

Evidence ActionDeworm the World


     · "...Environmental extremes are responsible for thousands of casualties and billions of € in damages

       in Europe annually. Societal risks associated with many of these extremes are poorly understood in

       today’s climate – even more so as climate changes. Knowledge gaps arise from the inadequacy of

       existing models, which are unable to capture key physical processes and hence cannot fully

       incorporate an expanding palette of observations. ExtremeEarth will deliver the methods needed

       to achieve a step change in simulation accuracy and data integration, to allow scientists to

       understand the drivers of extremes and application communities to anticipate their impact.

       ExtremeEarth will develop the technologies for a required thousand-fold increase in computation,

       and fundamentally redesign workflows to dynamically expose the full information content of a new

       generation of models and data to users."

F     [🔝]

Faith Science Alliance for Climate Leadership

Farm Africa

Fauna & Flora International

FHI 360

Fire Drill Fridays

First Street Foundation

    Risk Factor®

Food & Water Action

Food & Water Europe

Food & Water Watch

Food Studies Research Network

Food Solutions New England

Food Tank

Footprint Coalition

Foreign Policy for America (FP4A)

     Climate change


     · Now

Forest Heroes

Forest Peoples Programme (FPP)

Forest Research Institute

Forest Trends

     · "Together with partners around the world, Forest Trends pioneers innovative finance for conservation

       - promoting healthy forests, sustainable agriculture, clean water, robust climate action, protected

       biodiversity, and strong communities.”

Forest Sciences Center of Catalonia (CFTC)

Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment (FCEA)

Forum for the Future

Forum for Law, Environment, Development and Governance (FLEDGE)

Fossil Free Media

Fossil Free Research

Foundation 2° – German Businesses for Climate Protection

Foundation Franz Weber (FFW) [Switzerland]

Fractracker Alliance

Fram Centre - High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment [Norway]

France Nature Environnement

Frankfort Zoological Society


     · Mission: "to protect vulnerable people and wildlife from organized crime and corruption, while

       revitalizing ecosystems and communities for a more secure world. Our vision is a world free of

       wildlife trafficking and human slavery."

     · Freeland Brasil

French Foundation for Biodiversity

Freshwater Trust

Fridays for Future

Friends of Animals

Friends of the Earth


Friends Committee on National Legislation - Energy & Environment

Front and Centered

Fund for the Public Interest

Future Coalition

G     [🔝]


Gaia Protection

Gas Transition Allies

Gavi: The Vaccine Alliance

Generation 180


     · "We actively promote North-South equity and the preservation of livelihoods."

Global 4C: Complementary Currencies for Climate Change

Global Adaptation Network

Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP)

     · "...a collaborative body of more than 60 members and dozens of observers that advocate for

       resources and solutions to pollution problems. GAHP was formed because international and

       national level actors/ agencies recognize that a collaborative, multi-stakeholder, multi-sectoral

       approach is necessary and critical to deal with the global pollution crisis and resulting health

       and economic impacts.”

Global Call for Climate Action

Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice (DCJ)

     World at 1°C

    · One of the larger (if not largest) networks of climate justice movement organizations that actively

       participates in the UNFCCC.

Global Canopy Programme

Global CCS Institute

Global Center for Climate Justice

     Green New Deal Resource Hub

Global Center on Adaptation

Global Challenges Foundation

Global Choices

Global Citizen

Global Climate & Health Alliance

Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+)

Global Climate Forum

Global Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online

     · Sponsored by TRAFFIC, WWF & IFAW

     · Developed a Wildlife-Friendly Online Trade Policy

Global Conservation

     · “...the only nature conservation group who's sole mission is the direct funding of park protection systems

     for saving our most important and endangered world heritage and national parks in developing countries."

Global Conservation Corps

Global Council for Science and the Environment (GCSE)

     · “To accomplish our mission, we promote science and actionable knowledge that benefits people and

       the planet. We provide resources and opportunities for higher education leaders and their partners in

       transdisciplinary environmental and sustainability education and research (TESER) to work across

       public, private, and nonprofit sectors, and from local to global scales.”

Global Development and Environment Institute (GDAE)

Global Diversity Foundation

Global Energy Monitor

     · “...develops and analyzes data on energy infrastructure, resources, and uses. We provide open access

      to information that is essential to building a sustainable energy future.

Global Fishing Watch

Global Footprint Network

Global Greengrants Fund

Global Justice Now [UK]


Global Legal Action Network (GLAN)

Global March for Elephants & Rhinos (GMFER)

Global Maritime Forum

Global Nature Fund [Germany]

Global Pact for the Environment

Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Global Possibilities

Global Reporting Index

Global Reporting lnitiative (GRI)

Global Resilience Partnership

     · "In 2014, The Rockefeller Foundation, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),

     and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) joined together to

     create the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP), which aims to identify and scale locally driven,

     high-impact, innovativesolutions that will build the resilience of hundreds of millions of people

     in the Sahel, Horn of Africaand South and Southeast Asia.

Global South Bats

Global Subsidies Initiative

Global Warming Mitigation Project (GWMP)

Global Warming Solutions

Global Water Initiative @ WEF

Global Water Partnership

Global Water Policy Project

Global Wellness Institute

     Forest bathing

Global Wildlife Conservation (GWC)

Global Witness

     ”...we protect human rights and the environment by fearlessly confronting corruption and challenging the

       systems that enable it.”

Good Food for All (GFFA) collaborative

Good Food Institute

     · "By bringing together the brightest innovators, forward-thinking investors, and food marketing

     visionaries, we can produce food in a new and better way."

GoodPlanet Foundation


Grassroots International

Great Plains Institute for Sustainable Development

Green America

Green Cross International

     · "Green Cross International’s roots can be traced back to President Mikhail Gorbachev’s time in

       office as Head of State of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, a period during which he spoke

       repeatedly about the interrelated threats humanity and our Earth face from nuclear arms, chemical

       weapons, unsustainable development, and the man-induced decimation of the planet’s ecology."

    · Global Green (USA affiliate)

Green the Church



Greenhouse Gas Management Institute


     Tracking the cost of air pollution

H     [🔝]

Halo Trust

Heifer International

     · Primarily works towards building community resilience and reducing poverty through projects

     in economic development, environmental sustainability, women's empowerment, food security, and risk mitigation. 

Health Effects Institute

Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Climate Change Consortium

Honor the Earth

Human Rights Watch


I     [🔝]

ICCF Group

     · "...headquartered in Washington, DC, ... The ICCF Group advances leadership in international

       conservation through public and private partnerships, and by raising conservation awareness

       among policymakers."


IDH - The Sustainable Trade Initiative


IMAFLORA – Instituto de Manejo e Certificacao Florestal e Agricola

India Climate Dialogue

Indigenous Environmental Network

Indo-German Energy Forum

Indo-Pacific Conservation Alliance


     · "...enables a world where crucial decisions are legitimately influenced and objectively made.

       We do this by empowering our partners with data-driven and clearly communicated analysis on

       critical societal issues such as climate change. In our flagship project analyzing climate policy

       lobbying, our goal is to enable our partners in the finance, NGO and progressive corporate

       worlds to eliminate blockages to an ambitious policy pathway globally and encourage support."

Initiative on Climate Change Policy and Governance

     · Defunct as of July 2019

     · Formerly the International Center for Climate Governance

Institut Montaigne


Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy (IATP)

Institute for Bird Populations

Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE)

Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)

     · “The Institute for European Environmental Policy is a sustainability think tank. Working with

       stakeholders across EU institutions, international bodies, academia, civil society and industry,

       our team of economists, scientists and lawyers produce evidence-based research and policy

       insight. Our work spans nine research areas and covers both short-term policy issues and long-

       term strategic studies. As a not-for-profit organisation with over 40 years of experience, we are

       committed to advancing impact-driven sustainability policy across the EU and the world.”

Institute for Policy Studies

     Climate justice

Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) [USA]

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia

     · Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)

Integrated Drought Management Programme

Intentional Endowments Network

     · “...a non-profit, peer-learning network advancing intentionally designed endowments – those that

          seek to enhance financial performance by making investments that advance an equitable, low

          carbon, and regenerative economy. Working closely with leading organizations, the network

          engages leaders and key stakeholders from higher education, foundations, business, and nonprofits.

          It provides opportunities for learning and education, peer networking, convening, thought

          leadership and information exchange around a variety of strategies (e.g., ESG integration, impact

          investing, and shareholder engagement).”

International Centre for Climate Change and Development (Bangladesh)

Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development

Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

Interfaith Power & Light

International Collaborative for Science, Education, and the Environment (ICSEE)

     Maasai Stoves & Solar Project

International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP)

International Council on Clean Transportation

International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC)

International Crisis Group (ICG)

     Climate change & confilict

International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

International Institute for Sustainable Development

International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP)

International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)

     Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)

          Local & state offices

          Planned Parenthood Global (PPFA's international arm)

International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF)

International Primate Protection League (IPPL)

International Ranger Federation (IRF)

International Rhino Foundation (IRF)

International Rivers

International Seafood Sustainability Foundation

International Standards Organization (ISO)

     Net Zero Guidelines

International Water Management Institute

Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC)

     · “In 2021, IREC merged with The Solar Foundation, a national nonprofit that has led the advancement

       of solar energy and solar-compatible technologies since 1977. Together, we are excited to deepen

       our impact across all clean energy technologies.”

Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Izaak Walton League of America

J     [🔝]

Jane Goodall Institute - UK

Jane Goodall Institute - USA


     · "Home of the Jewish environmental movement."

Jewish Climate Action Network

K     [🔝]

Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF)

     Global Health Policy


Keep America Beautiful

Klimastreik Ecological Movement

L     [🔝]

Latin American Coalition Against Fracking

Climate Defense Project

Law Students for Climate Accountability

Laudato Si' Movement

The Leap

League of Conservation Voters (LCV)

     Clean Energy for All


Leonardo Academy

     · Last update in 2013

     · Cleaner and Greener

             · A program working to "help events, buildings, companies and organizations, [and] diesal fleets

          reduce air pollution that contributes to climate change and adversely affects both human

          and environmental health."

Liberty Shared

    Human and Wildlife Trafficking Dashboards

    Palm oil industry

Lion Guardians

Livestock Conservancy

Loon Preservation Committee

Low Carbon USA

M     [🔝]

M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation

Malaria No More

Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences

Mapping Fossil Fuel Resistance

Marine Defenders

Marine Stewardship Council

Marine & Environmental Research Institute

    · Focuses on marine wildlife exposure to toxins, marine coastal monitoring, oil spill recovery, and

       plastics and micro plastics.

Marine Fish Conservation Network

Maliasili Initiatives


Meadows Center for Water and the Environment

Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)

Meridian Insttute

Mighty Earth

     · "...a global campaign organization that works to protect tropical forests, oceans, and the climate.

       We aspire to be the most effective environmental organization in the world."

Million Acre Pledge

Mississippi Stand

Missouri Botanical Garden

Moms Clean Air Force


Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project

     · “MG works to build political home across many different spaces, and works to bring that strategy to

       scale through translocal organizing across the US. Through political education, we are nourishing and

       building the rich soils of analysis and strategy that our movements need to activate, strengthen and

       grow our shared politic and practice.”

M.S. Swaminathan Research Fou\ndation

N     [🔝]

NABU: Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union [Germany]

National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

     Environmental & Climate Justice

National Audubon Society

     Guide to Audubon chapters

     Conservation Ranching program

National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) [US]

     ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture Program

National Council for Science and the Environment [US]

     · Now the Global Council for Science and the Environment

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

National Military Fish and Wildlife Association

National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) [US]

National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) [US]

National Recycling Coalition [US]

National Religious Partnership for the Environment

National Stewardship Action Council [US]

National Wildlife Federation [US]

     · A conservation organization that works to protect natural resources, with a heavy forcus on

       "increasing America's fish and wildlife populations and enhancing their capacity to thrive in

       a rapidly changing world."

Native Organizers Alliance

Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund [US]

Natural Resources Defense Council [US]

Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) [Germany]

Nature and Culture International

     · " side-by-side with local cultures to protect biodiverse hotspots in Latin America for the

       well-being of our planet.”

Nature Conservancy, The

     Agility Lab

     Geospatial Conservation Atlas

NatureFriends International

NatureVest @ TNC

Neotropical Migratory BirdsNature Conservancy
 [USA site]

     Regions "where we work"

     Canada site

Network for Eco-Farming in Africa

New Climate Institute

New Consensus

New Economics Foundation [UK]

     · "...For more than three decades, the New Economics Foundation’s mission has been to transform

     the economy so it works for people and the planet."

New Entry Sustainable Farming Project

New York Turtle & Tortoise Society

NextGen America

   · Formerly NextGen Climate

NGO Coalition for Environment (NGOCE)

Niskanen Center


     Climate Unplugged

No Coal No Gas [New England, USA]

Noah Alliance

Nordic Agency for Development and Ecology (NORDECO)

North American Native Fishes Association

North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS)

Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA)

Norwegian Institute for Air Research

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

O     [🔝]

Ocean Alliance

Ocean Conservancy

Ocean Foundation

     · Formerly the Coral Reef Foundation

Ocean Guardian

Ocean River Institute

Ocean Wise

     · learn about the plastic waste in our oceans, and take a pledge to reduce plastic consumption


Oceanic Defense

Oceanic Preservation Society

Oceano Azul Foundation


Oil Change International

One Earth

     Bioregions 2020

     Bioregion Navigator

One Earth Sangha

OneEarth Living

One Tree Planted

     · "Since 2014, we have planted over 135.5 million trees with 378 partners across 82 countries in North

       America, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Pacific.”

One World

Organic Consumer's Association

Orianne Society

     · “...dedicated to the conservation of reptiles, amphibians and the ecosystems they inhabit”

Our Children's Trust

Our Climate

Our Revolution

One Health Commission

Open Secrets

     Issue profiles

Oxfam International

     Oxfam America

P     [🔝]

Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative

Pacific Salmon Foundation


     Natural Resource Management

PACT 2020: Protected Areas and Climate Turnaround

Palmarito Sea Turtle Rescue

PAMS Foundation

Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA)

Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project



Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC)

Partnership Project

     Climate Action Campaign

     Climate Advocacy Lab

     Combined Defense Project

     Digital Climate Coalition

     Environmental Polling Consortium

     Fossil Free Research

     Green Leadership Trust

     Rise To Thrive

Paulson Institute

PEFC International

People & Planet

     · "...the largest student network in the UK campaigning for social and environmental justice"

People vs. Fossil Fuels

People's Climate Movement

People's Demands for Climate Justice

Peregrine Fund

Perennial Farming Initiative


Pew Center on Global Climate Change

Pew Charitable Trusts, The

Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM)

Physicians for Social Responsibility

Pinchot Institute for Conservation

Plan B

Planet Ark

Planet Rehab

Planetary Health Alliance

     Clinicians for Planetary Health (C4PH)

Planned Acts of Kindness (PAK)

Plant for the Planet

Point Reyes Bird Observatory

Polar Bears International

Poor People's Campaign

Population Action International

Population Connection

Population Council

Population Europe

     · network of European demographic research centers

Population Matters

Population Reference Bureau

Population-Environment Research Network (PERN)

Post Carbon Institute  

Power Shift Africa

Practical Action


    · "works for the appropriate development of vulnerable communities and sensitive ecosystems of the world."

Private Equity Stakeholder Project


Progres - Sulawesi Regional Ecological Conservation Initiative

Progressive International

Progressive Policy Institute

    Energy & environment

Project AWARE

     · “...a global movement for ocean protection powered by a community of adventurers. We connect

     the passion for ocean adventure with the purpose of marine conservation."

Project Concern International (PCI)

Project Drawdown

     Solutions by rank and sector

     Drawdown Labs

     Climate Solutions 101

Project on Environmental Change & Foreign Policy

Pronatura Sur

Protect the Planet [Germany]

Protect Our Winters (POW)

Property and Environment Research Center (PERC)

Public Accountability Initiative (PAI)

     · “...a nonprofit public interest research organization focused on corporate and government accountability.

       We specialize in researching and mapping power..... We conduct research on a wide range of corporate

       and government accountability issues, but focus much of our research on two of the most powerful

       industries in our economy: Wall Street and the oil and gas industry.”

Public Health Institute


Public Health International

Public Interest Network

    · Network connecting a wide range of Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs) and other

      spin-off organizations. At the site, click on the "Our Groups" submenu to see the various


Public Interest Watch

Public Participation Project

Q     [🔝]

Quebec-Labrador Foundation (QLF)

R     [🔝]

Rachel Carson Council (RCC)

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy

Rainforest Action Network

Rainforest Alliance

Rainforest Trust

Rapid Transition Alliance


Reclaim the Streets (RTS)

Reconciling Ways of Knowing society

Recycling Partnership [US]

Redefining Progress

   · Closed in 2008

Reforestamos Mexico

Regeneration International

Renewables 100 Policy Institute


Réseau Action Climat

Resilience Alliance

Resilient Cities Network


Responding to Climate Change

Resource Media

Resources Legacy Fund


Rights + Resources Initiative (RRI)

Rising Tide International Network

Rising Tide - North America

Rising Tide - UK

River Network

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Root Capital

     · Root Capital is a social investment organisation that provides low-interest loans to rural farmers in

          developing countries in an effort to help them grow by connecting them to the formal economy. In

          exchange farmers provide data about their crops to ensure that they have sustainable growing practices.

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung [Germany]

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Ruckus Society

S     [🔝]

Salk Institute for Biological Sciences

     Harnessing Plants Initiative

Save America's Forests

Save the Children

     Climate change



School Strike for Climate

Science & Environmental Health Network (SEHN)

Science Moms

Scientist Rebellion

Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR)

Scientists Warning Foundation

Sea Shepherd

     · ”an international, non-profit marine conservation organization that engages in direct action campaigns

       to defend wildlife, and conserve and protect the world’s oceans from illegal exploitation and

       environmental destruction.”

Seaside Sustainability

     · "...composed of a small, dedicated, and streamlined staff with over 185 years of combined experience

       in the fields of Biology, Sience, Engineering, Backcountry Medicine, Training and Development, Business

       Entrepreneurship, and Experiential Education. Unified by our shared passions for engagement with the

       natural world, we inspire citizens to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and draw their own


Sea Turtle Conservancy

Seas At Risk

Sierra Club

Silent Spring Institute

    · "...a mission-driven scientific research organization dedicated to uncovering the environmental

      causes of breast cancer. Our independent research is empowering a revolution in environmental

      health to prevent cancers by reducing people's exposure to harmful chemicals where they live,

      work, and play.

Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity

Slow Food International

Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center

Social Capital Markets (SOCAP)

Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO)

Socio-Spatial Climate Collaborative, or (SC)²

     · "hub for critical social science research on the climate emergency"

Soft Power Health

Soil & Water Conservation Society (SWCS)


Solidaridad Network

Solutions Project

Southern African Faith Communities' Environment Institute (SAFCEI)

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE)

Southern Conservation Partners

Southern Environmental Law Center

Stamp Out Poverty

   · “Campaigning for new sources of finance for development and climate change”

   · “...a growing team of strategists, researchers, communicators, policy and issue experts — plus a

     powerful global network of donors, activists, and community members from every walk of life,

     united in our demand for transformational change.”


Stimson Center

     Alliance for a Climate Resilient Earth (ACRE)

    Resources & Climate

Stockholm International Water Institute

Stop Climate Chaos

     · Wikipedia page

Stop Ecocide International


Stop the Money Pipeline Campaign

     Customers for Climate Justice

Story of Stuff Project

Stroud Water Research Center


Sunrise Movement

Surfrider Foundation

Sustainability Consortium

Sustainable Development Network [South Africa]

Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI)

Sustainable Food Lab

Sustainable Population Australia

Swiss Ornithological Institute

T     [🔝]

TERI ~ The Energy and Resources Institute

Tern & Plover Conservation Partnership

Terra Madre Foundation

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

Thin Green Line Foundation

Third Act

Third Force Collective @ Adbusters

Third Pole

Third Way

    Climate and energy

Third World Network

This is My Earth (TiME)

Toda Peace Institute

     Climate Change and Conflict

Tompkins Conservation

TOPtoTOP Global Climate Expedition

     · "...a Swiss-based non-governmental organization whose mission is to Inspire Youth to Save Our Planet."


     · "The wildlife trade monitoring network"

Training Resources for the Environmental Community (TREC)



      Transitions Pathways and Risk Analysis for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption Strategies

Transnational Institute (TNI)

     Energy democracy

Transport & Environment

Transportation for America

Trudeau Institute

Tribal Resilience Program @ USBIA

Trout Unlimited

Trust for Public Land

Turtle Conservancy

Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA)


     · "Tusk’s mission is to amplify the impact of progressive conservation initiatives across Africa."

U     [🔝]

Under2 Coalition

Union for Ethical Biotrade (UEBT)

Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)

Union of Nature Foundation (UON)


United for Wildlife

United Planet Faith & Science Initiative

United States Biochar Initiative (USBI)

United States Climate Alliance

UK Agricultural Biodiversity Coalition

US Water Alliance

US Wildlife Trafficking Alliance

V     [🔝]

Vegan Society

Verified Carbon Standard

Veterinary Initiative for Endangered Wildlife (VIEW)

Voices for Biodiversity

W     [🔝]

War on Want

Waterbird Society

Water Environment Federation

Water is Life Movement

Water Policy Center @ Public Policy Institute of California


We Mean Business


     • "...a collaborative platform on climate adaptation issues. It allows practitioners, researchers

     and policy-makers to access credible, high-quality information and connect with one another."

Wellcome Sanger Institute

Welder Wildlife Foundation

Wetland Care (formerly Ducks Unlimited Australia)

Wetlands Initiative

Wetlands International


     · "works to reduce global consumption of wildlife products and to increase local support for

       conservation efforts.

     · Stop Wildlife Trafficking  

Wild Chimpanzee Foundation

Wild Earth Allies

Wild Earth Guardians

WILD Foundation

Wild Heritage

Wild Nature Institute

     Celebrating Africa's Giants

Wilderness Society, The

Wilderness Watch The technology conservation network

Wildlife Conservation Network

Wildlife Conservation Society

Wildlife Conservation Trust [India]

Wildlife Institute of India

Wildlife Justice Commission

Wildlife Management Institute

Winter Wildlands Alliance

Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN)

Women's Earth & Climate Action Network, International (WECAN)

     · Aims to educate, advocate for, and empower all women concerning climate change and climate justice

Women’s Environment and Development Organization

Woods Hole Research Center

World Center for Birds of Prey

World Economic Forum (WEF)

     Environment and Natural Resource Security

World Energy & Meteorology Council

World Land Trust

World Resources Institute

     Climate change page

World Sustainable Development Research and Transfer Centre (WSD-RTC)

Working Dogs for Conservation

World Farmer's Organization

World Fisheries Trust

World Future Council

World Land Trust

World War Zero

World Ocean Observatory

     · "a major utility for ocean communication as a means to advance public awareness and political  

       will, and is dedicated to providing information and education about the health of the ocean."

Wright-Ingraham Institute


     · “WWF originally stood for 'World Wildlife Fund,' but in 1986 WWF had come to realize

       that its name no longer reflected the scope of its activities, and changed its name to 'World

       Wide Fund For Nature.' The United States and Canada, however, retained the old name. The

       resulting confusion caused, together with its translation into more  by the name change in 1986

       than 15 languages, led the WWF Network in 2001 to agree on using the original acronym as its

       one, global name - the acronym that it had always been known by since its inception way back

       in 1961: WWF.” [Source: WWF]

     · WWF International

     · World Wide Fund for Nature

     · World Wildlife Fund

     · WWF Offices around the world

     · Wetlands

X     [🔝]

Xerxes Society for Invertebrate Conservation

Y     [🔝]

Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YEC)

Yellowstone Forever

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA)

Youth for Wildlife


Yves Rocher Foundation-Institut de France

Z     [🔝]

Zero Hour

Zoological Society for the Conservation of Species and Populations

Zoological Society of London (ZSL)

Zwick Center for Food and Resource Policy

Subject-specific NGO listings @

In addition to the comprehensive listing on this webpage, many webpages at include a section entitled ”NGOs.”

Warning: sorting them in this way poses either (1) the risk of dramatic over-simplification or (2) the chaos of over-abundant redundancy.

Take, for example, WWF, one of the more widely recognized environmental NGOs: in addition to being “biodiversity-focused,” WWF could be reasonably listed as education-focused, climate-focused, economy- focused, etc. This holds true for many if not most NGOs.

Other NGO listings & assessments

UNEP list of accredited organizations

UIA Global Civil Society Database

Environmental organizations @ Wikipedia

Environment @ Charity Navigator


   · "Foundation Center and GuideStar

     joined forces to become Candid, a 501c3

     nonprofit organization. Candid connects

     people who want to change the eworld

     to the resources they need to do it.”

Great Nonprofits

   · "...the leading platform for community-

     sourced stories about nonprofits."

NGO Advisor

   · Click on "Filter NGO" to get categories

     Energy, Environment, Water, etc.

Charity Intelligence Canada (Ci)

A>Z listing of Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)

Center or Centre?

Note that organizations using the US spelling (center) are listed before those using the UK spelling (centre).

For more climate change NGOs, also see:

  · NGOs listed at the Climate change science & research institutions page

    · NGOs listed at the Climate Education page

      · Social movements, networks, alliances & at the Climate justice page

For more biodiversity NGOs, also see:

  · the Birds page.

Jump to # · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z

Although extensive, the listing below constitutes only a partial sampling of the world's thousands of environmental NGOs.

If an NGO works entirely within one country with no focus on transborder or international

     work, it will only be listed on the relevant country page (see Country pages A>Z).

     Exceptions include several large and/or prominent domestic NGOs.