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A web·guide to the glocal environment



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Contents below:

     · General information

       · International organizations

         · International conferences

           · International negotiations

             · Academia, education & research institutions

               · NGOs & initiatives

                 · Foundations

                   · Select readings on women and gender

General information

Gender Equality: Glossary of terms and Concepts @ UNICEF

Women’s Connected Leadership Declaration On Climate Justice

Women's Workplace Equality Index @ Council on Foreign Relations

International organizations

IUCN Gender & Environment Resource Center

     · "...supports the goals and delivery of numerous projects focused on advancing gender

          equality and women’s empowerment throughout natural resource management activities."

Organization of American States (OAS)

     Rights of Women

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)

     · Formed to accelerate progress in meeting women's needs, the organization has detailed

           information on their initiatives, including its sustainable development agenda.

    · Commission on the Status of Women [ECOSOC]

     · WomenWatch: Directory of UN Resources on Women's and Gender Issues

          · Overview and links to documents concerning most major resolutions and publications

             involving women and the environment.

     · Beijing Platform for Action

            · A blueprint for women's rights, the Beijing Platform included women & the environment as     

               one of 12 major areas of concern

            · Website includes fast facts and articles on women & environment.

UN Departent of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)

     The World's Women 2020: Trends & statistics

UNDP Gender & Climate Change - Thematic Issue Briefs and Training Modules

     · In depth information on how gender interacts with adaptation, food security, sustainable

          energy, climate finance, and REDD+



          · Information on UNEP initiatives, stories, and reports relating to gender & environment

UNESCO Curriculum on Women & Sustainable Development

     · Lessons for teachers on women & sustainable development including links to case studies

International conferences

1994 Fourth World Conference on Women

     Beijing Platform for Action

International negotiations

Like-Minded-in-Spirit Group of Women

Academia, education & research initiatives

Barefoot College

Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR)

    · "...a feminist, anti-colonial, marine science laboratory. This means our methods foreground

     values of equity, humility, and justice. We specialize in community-based and citizen science

     monitoring of plastic pollution, particularly of plastics in food webs.

Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights @ UMASS-Boston

Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)

Gendered Innovations

     · Seeks to develop practical methods of sex & gender analysis for scientists and engineers &

     provide case studies of how sex &  gender analysis leads to innovation

Girls Opportunity Alliance

Inspiring Girls Expeditions

Mentoring Physical Oceanography Women to Increase Retention (MPOWIR)

NGOs & initiatives

Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law, and Development

     · Leading network of feminist organizations and individual advocates in Asia Pacific working

       towards advancing women's rights and development justice

Boma Project

Bridgespan Group

Climate Wise Women

Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)


     · International network on gender and sustainable energy

European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)




International Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative (IWECI)

     · the precursor initiative of WECAN International (see link below)

Mary Robinson Foundation Climate Justice

     · Promotes climate justice including in women's rights & empowerment

Moms Clean Air Force


Mujeres en conservación

Philippine Commission on Women

     · Women and the Environment is a primary focus area of the Commission.

Silent Spring Institute

Women and Life on Earth Internet Project

     · Seeks to recognize and promote the experience and knowledge of women and movements,

     locally and world-wide, in their work for peace, ecology, and global justice.     

Women Deliver

     Deliver for Good Campaign

Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF)

     · Worldwide network of 150 women's and environmental organizations with a historical focus on Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Women's Earth & Climate Action Network, International (WECAN)

     · Aims to educate, advocate for, and empower all women concerning climate change and climate justice

     · Precursor initiative was the International Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative (IWECI)

Women’s Energy Network (WEN)

Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)

   ·  “A global women's advocacy organization for a just world that promotes and protects human rights, gender equality, and the

          integrity of the environment."

Women's Environmental Network (WEN)

     · Working for environmental justice through feminist principles

Women's Major Group

     · "...created at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where governments recognized Women

       as one of the nine important groups in society for achieving sustainable development. The WMG is an

       official participant in the United Nations processes on Sustainable Development. Other processes use

       the major group or similar systems, with the WMG active in the processes of the United Nations

       Environment Program since 1996."

Womankind Worldwide

     · Advocates for women's rights in all forms including in sustainable development


Malala Fund

Select readings on women & gender

Gender and Climate Change in the United States: A Reading of Existing Research

     · 2020, Sam Sellers, Sierra Club

     · Provides an overview of the current understandings of climate justice and the climate crisis as they relate to gender issues

     · Represents a wider transition toward intersectionality in the climate change discourse

     · Connects environmental/climate health to human health, provides a list of prominent organizations

        conducting this work, and addresses the climate disasters that threaten people in different regions

        around the United States.

All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis

     · 2020, Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katharine K. Wilkinson, edts., One World

     · An anthology of writings by 60 women from diverse sectors and backgrounds who are leaders in the climate movement.

     · Illustrates the profound impact women are having in the climate movement and the variety of

        roles women are playing in the fight against climate change.

     · Reflects a growing focus on collaboration and racial/gender inclusivity by many young climate activists.

Global Gender and Environment Outlook

      · 2016 ~ United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

     · First proposed by the Network of Women Ministers and Leaders for the Environment (NWMLE)

     · "...a collaborative project between [UNEP] and strategic partners to bring gender issues to the heart

     of environmental assessment and decision-making."

Gender Equality and the Environment: A Guide to UNEP's Work

     · 2016

Gender policy brief and success stories (2016): A guide to UN Environment's work

     · 2016

     · seven page summary of UNEP's Gender Policy and “15 success stories” of UNEP's gender work

Women's rights make a difference for the environment and sustainability

     · 2015

     · Statement by IUCN Director General, Inger Andersen, on International Women's Day

The Female Face of Sustainable Development

     · 2013 Briefing from the Library of the European Parliament

Empowering Women for Sustainable Development

     · 2012, Lisa Warth & Malinka Koparanova, United Nations

     · Discussion paper that builds on the idea that gender equality is necessary to reach sustainable

        development goals highlighted in Agenda 21

     · Focuses on women's empowerment as a key process in reaching gender equality.

     · Highlights the use of gender equality statistics as environmental indicators and summarizes many

        changes that can be made to simultaneously advance goals of sustainable development and

        gender equality.

Linking Gender, Environment, and Policy for Sustainable Development

     · Jan 2012, World Bank

     · A Synthesis report on Ethiopia and Ghana (192 pgs)

Empowering Women for Sustainable Development

     · 2012 ~ Lisa Warth & Malinka Koparano ~ Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

      · A formal "Discussion Paper" (#2012.1) focusing on "on women’s empowerment as a key process in  

     reaching gender equality and, through that, sustainable development."

Empowering Women to Empower the Earth

      · 2008 ~ Linda Corman ~ PricewaterhouseCoopers

      · Now known as PwC, PricewaterhouseCoopers is one of the world's oldest consultancies.

      · “This paper explores the interconnectedness between gender equality and sustainability along four

        possible pathways. Many women are stuck in a vicious web of poverty, high fertility, poor health,

     environmental degradation and lack of opportunities. Women must be empowered as ambassadors

     of natural resources and the environment and as contributors to socio-economic progress if the earth

     is to be sustainably developed.”

Roots for the Future: The Landscape and Way Forward on Gender and Climate Change (Chapter 1)

     · 2007, Manuel J. Oliva & Cate Owren, Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA)

     · Produced by Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA) joint program, founded by IUCN, UNDP & UNEP

     · Chapter 1 echoes a key point of Agenda 21 Chapter 24: that the contributions of women, across

        sectors are crucial for the success of long-term solutions to address climate change.

     · Provides examples of women currently doing this work

     · Highlights the ways gender inequality impacts women's experience of the effects of climate change

        on both a regional and global scale, thus providing evidence for the critical role of female perspective

        in climate leadership.

Agenda 21, Chapter 24: “Global Action for Women towards Sustainable and Equitable Development”

     · 1992, United Nations Conference on Environment & Development Rio de Janerio, Brazil

     · Created at the 1992 UNCE Earth Summit, Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken

        on a global, national, and local by organizations within the United Nations System

     · Chapter 24 specifically outlines the necessity of advancement in women's rights to a sustainable future.

     · Calls for implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women

     · Promotes policies for equal education and treatment for women and girls; participation of women key

        decision-making processes, science, and environmental management; and awareness of the ways that

        climate change induced degradation in developing countries affects women and children disproportionately.

Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women

     · 1985, the United Nations World Conference on Women

     · Strategies adopted by consensus at the United Nations World Conference on Women in Kenya

     · Provides a plan for achieving women's equality within UN member states by the year 2000.

     · Influential withi n the U.N. and laid the foundation for the inclusion of Chapter 24 on “Global acti

        on for women towards sustainable and equitable development” in Agenda 21.'

Sida Toolbox - Gender & the Environment

     · Brief on gender & environment released by Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency)

     · provides overview of issues and courses of action.

Women and the Environment: Applying Ecofeminism to Environmentally-Related Consumption

     · Discusses why women are important to environmental change & how ecofeminism can be applied the area of consumption

Gender, the Environment and Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific

     · produced by ESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)

     · first Asia-Pacific report that comprehensively maps out the intersections between gender and environment

     · assembles good practices and policy lessons for the region

Are Women the Key to Sustainable Development? | Sustainable Development Insights

     · Boston University | The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future

Women & gender