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About Animal Rights Activists

Animal Law Update: Commentary on Animal Law and legal issues

Animal Rescue Site @ GreaterGood

Brief Summary of Animal Rights

Definition and Importance of Animal Welfare

Guide to cruelty-free beauty shopping

History of Animal Protection in the U.S.


Animal Rights National Conference

     · The world’s largest and longest-running animal rights gathering since 1981.


Animal Law Review

Animal Welfare

Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science

Films & documentaries



Animal Legal and Historical Center

     · A comprehensive repository of information about animal law over great diversity of animal topics.

Animal Legal Defense Fund

     · Since 1979, filing high-impact lawsuits to protect animals from harm, providing free legal

     assistance and training to prosecutors in their fight against animal cruelty, supporting

     animal protection legislation, and providing resources and opportunities to law students

     and professionals to advance the field of animal law.

Animal Welfare Act [USA]

     · The only Federal law in the United States that regulates the treatment of animals in research,

     exhibition, transport, and by dealers. (Other laws all refer to the Animal Welfare Act as the

     minimum acceptable standard.)

Institutions ~ Networks, initiatives, movements & campaigns

AnimaNaturalis [in Spanish]

Care2 Animal welfare

World Animal Net (WAN)

     · The world’s largest network of animal protection societies, established to improve communication and coordination among the world’s animal protection groups.

Institutions ~ NGOs

Alley Cat Allies

Animal Alliance of Canada

Animal Concern

Animal Welfare Institute

     · Christine Stevens Wildlife Award

      · “Since 1951, the Animal Welfare Institute has been dedicated to reducing animal suffering caused

        by people. We seek better treatment of animals everywhere—in the laboratory, on the farm, in

        commerce, at home, and in the wild.”

Animals Asia

Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC)

Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting

Direct Action Everywhere (DxE)

Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT)

Friends of Animals

Humane Society

     Humane Society International (HSI)

     Humane Society of the United States

Institute for Human-Animal Connection

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee @ University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Last Chance for Animals

     · Initially established to fight and expose the cruelty of vivisection, but has expanded its focus to cover virtually every animal rights issue.

Massachusetts Animal Coalition

Mercy for Animals

     · Dedicated to eradicating the exploitation of animals for food.

National Animal Interest Alliance

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

     · PETA Asia


Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW)

World Animal Protection

     · Formerly the World Society for the Protection of Animals

Institutions ~ Sanctuaries

Happy Hen Animal Sanctuary

Yage (Hannah) Sun of Brandeis University developed this page in 2019.

Animal rights, welfare, protection & rescue

Contents of this page:

     · Information

       · Events

         · Periodicals

           · Films & documentaries

             · Law

               · Institutions:

                      ~ Networks, initiatives, movements & campaigns

                      ~ Organizations

                      ~ Sanctuaries

This page highlights the significance of animal protection, the influence of people’s decisions

     on animal welfare, and the global movement to defend animal rights and welfare.