Biodiversity science, ecology & general information
Data, databases & data management initiatives
Conservation indicators, metrics & effectiveness
Ecosystem services, NCPs, natural capital & economic valuation
Biodiversity loss, genetic erosion, endangered species & extinction
Wildlife trafficking, trade & poaching
Artificial light at night (ALAN) & light pollution
Genetic resources, bioprospecting, ABS & DSI
Biodiversity conservation hub
Where to begin?
A succinct summary of the history and use of the term biodiversity in international cooperation can be found here.
A status update on global efforts to protect biodiversity can be found here.
(Note that in the climate change arena, there's an obvious "go to" source for a single comprehensive publication explaining the topic. No equivalent exists for the biodiversity arena, where there is a plethora of publications that could serve as foundational—so keep in mind that these two suggestions don't have the same “foundational character” as the IPCC reports.)
Important note
The Biodiversity conservation pages on the left focus on general biodiversity issues; specific forms of biodiversity (e.g., insects, orchids, funghi, pandas, etc.) can be found on the Life & taxa pages (🍁🐾 in the main menu).
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