
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Biodiversity hub >

Contents below:

     · General information & reference

       · Events

         · Institutions

                ~ Networks

                ~ Professional associations

                ~ Research

                ~ Private sector consultancies

           · Biogeography

             · Conservation case studies

               · Camera traps


     · Data, databases & data management initiatives

       · Conservation indicators

Also see:

     · Environmental science

       · Environmental assessment

         · Taxonomy, systematics & biogeography

General information & reference

Biodiversity A-Z @ UNEP-WCMC

Conservation Gateway @ TNC

Cool Green Science @ TNC @ BBC



World Wildlife Day

UN Decade On Biodiversity, 2011-2020


~ Networks ~

Global Earth Observation: Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON)

Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP)

~ Professional associations & leadership programs ~

✔︎Info@⇾ Yale Environmental Professional Associations: Ecology & Wildlife Management

     · An extensive and annotated listing

American Society of Mammalogists

Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP)

~ Research ~

African Wildlife Economy Institute


BIOSEC project

     · “...critically examines the growing inter-relationships between biodiversity conservation and security."

Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé (CEBC)

Durrell Insittute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE)

iDiv: German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research

International Bio-logging Society

Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior

     · “...Our vision is to understand and predict animal decision-making in the natural world. By

       developing and applying emerging technological and analytical approaches, our mission is

       to reveal the drivers of behavior across temporal, spatial, organizational, and taxonomic scales.”



     National Zoo (US)

          Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI)

     Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC)

     Smithsonian Marine Station (SMS)

     Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)

     Life on a Sustainable Planet

     · The Smithsonian Conservation Commons appears to have been absorbed here.

Species in Peril Project

UN Biodiversity Lab

     · "At the center of the UN Biodiversity Lab is a partnership between UNDP and UN Environment

      to provide high quality data for government representatives. UNDP and UN Environment’s direct

     engagement with over 140 governments allows for dynamic updates to the platform based on actual

     user needs. Likewise, engagement with 15 technical partners and data providers ensures the provision

     of cutting-edge data to take action for sustainable development. The UN Biodiversity Lab is not just

     another website; it is a platform for building partnerships among data providers and data users to

     ensure that governments have access and capacity to use cutting-edge spatial data to make key

     conservation and development decisions."

~ Private sector consultancies ~

Biodiversity Pathways

Biodiversity Unlimited Research and Consulting Group



Conservation Visions

Creative Conservation, LLC

Equilibrium Research

Global Conservation Solutions (GCS)

Will Murray Company


Early Classics in Biogeography, Distribution, and Diversity Studies

     To 1950

     1951 to 1975

Island Biogeography

WildFinder @ WWF

Half Earth Map

MoveBank for animal tracking data

     · "...a free, online database of animal tracking data hosted by the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior.

     We help animal tracking researchers to manage, share, protect, analyze and archive their data."

Nature Map Explorer

World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas

Conservation case studies


Camera traps

Wildlife Insights

Biodiversity science, ecology & general information

Important note

This page includes coverage of biodiversity in general; specific forms of biodiversity (e.g., insects, orchids, funghi, pandas, etc.) can be found on the Life & taxa pages (🍁🐾 in the main menu).