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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Biomes & ecosystems hub > Ecosystem types & biome classification systems >

Contents below:

     · General information     

       · News

         · Periodicals

           · Forest education

             · International agreements on forests

               · Certificaton & industry-focused sustainability institutions & initiatives

                 · Forest biomes:

                          ~ Differentiation

                          ~ Boreal/taiga

                          ~ Temperate

                          ~ Tropical


      · Forest institutions

        · Forests, climate change & REDD+

          · Forest fire & wildfire

Also see:

     · Forest bathing at Environmental psychology, nature therapy & climate anxiety

       · Plant taxa for specific arboreal taxonomic information (eg, species & varieties) as well as tree identification.

For location-specific forest information, start at:

      · World, poles & oceans hub

        · Eastern Hemisphere hub

          · Western Hemisphere hub

            · Countries A>Z

                      ~ USA forests

               · Urban areas for information on urban forests

General Information

     · In addition to the links below, a great deal of general information on forests is

       available from a range of organizations at the Forest Institutions page.

Forest-related events @ UNDESA

Deforestation in selected countries @ Mongabay

Facts on Forests and Forestry

Forest biome @ EoE

Forest Landscape Integrity Index

Forest List-forum (archive)

Forestry @ Statista

Forests @ Our World in Data

Forests Make us Healthier Toolkit @ Northeast Forest Network

Global Forest Atlas

Global Forest Resources Assessment @ FAO

Global Forest Watch

InfoFLR (Forest Landscape Restoration) @ IUCN

Rainforest Portal


Forests News @ CIFOR


✔︎Info@⇾Forestry publications @ ThoughtCo.

Annals of Forest Science

Arborvitae News Digest

Fire Ecology

Forest Ecology and Management

Forest History Today


Forestry Chronicle

Forest Briefs


Frontiers in Forests and Global Change

International Forestry Review

Journal of Forestry

Journal of Forestry Research

Southern Forests

Trees, Forests and People


Forest education

If trees could talk: Middle school curriculum (Forest History Society)

International agreements & declarations

    · Also see REDD+ at Forest & climate change page

1977 UN General Assembly Plan of Action to Combat Desertification

1992 Forest Principles

    · Full title: Non-legally binding authoritative statement of principles for a global consensus on the

       management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests

2011 Bonn Challenge

     · a global effort to restore 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested land by 2020 and 350

       million hectares by 2030

2015 Paris Climate Agreement article 5 on Forests

     · To conserve and enhance carbon sinks including forests

2014 New York Declaration on Forests

     · Goal 1 is to at least halve the rate of loss of natural forests globally by 2020 (relative to 2010)

2021 Glasgow Forest Declaration

Certification, supply chain & industry-focused sustainability

    institutions & initiatives

Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT)

     EU FLEGT Facility

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

     · Oversees and encourages sustainably-managed forestry by businesses

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)

Supply Change

Supply Chain Initiative

Sustainable Procurement of Forest Products @ WRI & WBCSD

Forest biome: Differentiation

WWF differentiation between tropical, subtropical, temperate & boreal forests

Forest biome: Boreal/taiga

Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga

Boreal biome @ Oxford Bibliographies

Boreal forest @ AWA

Boreal forest @ RFP

Boreal forest @ TNC

Boreal Forest and Taiga

Boreal Forest Initiative @ Ducks Unlimited

Boreal forests @ Boreal Songbird Initiative

Boreal Leadership Council [Canada]

Boreal forests @

Central Canadian Shield Forests

East Siberian Taiga

Eye on the Taiga @ Greenpeace

International Boreal Conservation Campaign (IBCC)

     Boreal Conservation website

     Canadian Boreal Conservation Framework

     Boreal Songbird Initiative website

     Pew Charitable Trusts website

International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA)

Save the Canadian Boreal @ NRDC

Taiga @ NGS

Taiga biome @ Blue Planet Biomes

Taiga Rescue Network (TRN)

     · Defunct: see TRN Wikipedia page

Forest biome: Temperate/deciduous

Temperate/Deciduous Forests

Great Smoky Mountains

Northeast Asian Deciduous Forest

European Deciduous Forest

Forest biome: Tropical

     • See "Transborder region: Amazonia" at Latin & South America page

Tropical Rain Forests

Congo Rain Forest

Aaron Stone of Brandeis University contributed to this page in 2018.



Four key information resources:

  · FAO State of the World's Forests (SOFO)

    · Global Forestry Policy in a nutshell

      · Global Forest Watch

        · Global Forest Atlas

Forest governance