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A web·guide to the glocal environment



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Contents below:

     · Information & resources

       · Periodicals

         · Institutions

                ~ International organizations

                ~ Governmental

                ~ NGOs & initiatives

           · Conferences

Information & resources

Mountain Prospects: Images for the International Year of the Mountain

     · 2002 UNEP-WCMC report

Rural Development in Mountain Regions


Journal of Mountain Ecology

Journal of Mountain Science

Mountain Journal

Mountain Research and Development

Mountain Update

     · Latest issue available at WCPA Mountain Specialist Group website

Institutions ~ International organizations

FAO webpage on mountain ecosystems [archived]

Group of Friends of Mountainous Countries

International Geographical Union (IGU)

     · Commission on Mountain Studies

          · Formerly the Commission on High-Altitude Geoecology & the Commission on Mountain


International Union for the Conservation of Nature & Natural Resources (IUCN)

     · WCPA Mountain Specialist Group

          · “...facilitates the enhanced conservation, effective management and adequate protection of

            mountain protected areas and advocates for further protection of priority areas of one of the

            Earth’s most important biomes. This includes their biodiversity, cultural, social and economic


Mountain Partnership

     · “...a United Nations voluntary alliance of partners dedicated to improving the lives of mountain

        peoples and protecting mountain environments around the world.”

Institutions ~ Governmental

Climate Change in Mountain Ecosystems (CCME) @ USGS

Institutions ~ NGOs & initiatives

Africa Mountain Partnership Champions Committee

Canadian Mountain Network

Center for Alpine Studies

Global Change in Mountain Biosphere Reserves

Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment

Global Mountain Safeguard Research (GLOMOS)

International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

International Mountain Society

Melting Mountains

Mountain Agenda - Center for Development and Environment

Mountain Forum

Mountain Institute

Mountain Research Initiative

Mountain Sentinels Collaborative Network

     · “ composed of scholars, non-governmental and governmental organizations, and stakeholders

       working towards sustainability of mountain environments and communities worldwide. Our guiding

       questions include: How will mountains respond to gradual and abrupt changes impacting land,

       water, peoples, and livelihoods? Will they be resilient and continue to deliver vital ecosystem

       services? What transformations are needed and which adaptation pathways lead to healthy and

       desired futures across mountain regions worldwide?”

Mountain Societies Research Institute (MSRI)


Bishkek Global Mountain Summit

Ecological and Earth Sciences in Mountain Areas

Global Change in Mountain Regions

     · Defunct as of August 2021

World Summit on Sustainable Development: Mountains
