
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Biomes & ecosystems hub > Ecosystem types & biome classification systems >

Contents below:

     · General information     

       · Periodicals

         · Institutions:

                ~ International

                ~ Research

                ~ NGOs  

           · US wetland information

             · Select readings on wetlands

General information

Wetlands classification and types @ USEPA

Wetland Association & Organization List @ Rutgers


Journal of Wetland Archaeology

Journal of Wetlands Ecology


Wetlands Ecology & Management


~ International ~



Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

     Ramsar Sites Information Service

     Wetlands and the SDGs

     World Wetlands Day

Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS)

     Rights of Wetlands Initiative & the Universial Declaration of the Rights of Wetlands

~ Research ~

Global Wetlands Project (GLOW)

~ NGOs ~

Delta Waterfowl Foundation

Ducks Unlimited

     Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research

Long Point Waterfowl

Wetlands Initiative

Wetlands International



US wetland information

National Wetlands Inventory @ USFWS

Wetland Protection & Restoration @ USEPA


     Wetland Reserve Enhancement Program

     Wetland Reserve Easements

America's Wetland Foundation

     · Defunct: Wikipedia entry.

National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM)

Duke University Wetlands and Coasts Center

Living Observatory [Massachusetts]

National Wetlands Award @ ELI

Select readings on wetlands

     · Reverse chronological order

Global Wetland Outlook: Special Edition 2021 

     · 2021 ~ Marianne Courouble, et al. ~ Gland, Switzerland: The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands  

     · This is a report by the Ramsar Convention for the celebration of the convention’s 50 th anniversary.

     · Its focus has more than 30 major assessments around the world with up-to-date scientific findings such

        as the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, along with changes since 2018.

     · It also covers the changes and lessons learned. It is also in French and Spanish, the official languages of the convention. 

     · Specifically, the topics of this report have four main parts: the impact of the pandemic, update on the

       new findings since the 2018 report,  wise use of wetlands & a look to future.

     · There are also pages of acronyms and sources.  

Wetlands, Fifth Edition

     · 2015~ William J. Mitsch , James G. Gosselink ~ Wiley 

     · Textbook overview of the topic of wetlands.

     · There have been many different editions since 1986 under the author Van Nostrand Reinhold.

     · This new edition includes updates from data to images in the book, each with a description in different places, such as China.

     · This book is also regularly updated. 

     · Five parts of the book:

           1. introduction

           2. scientific exploration of the wetland environment

           3. wetland ecosystems, specifically tidal marshes,

               tidal marshes, mangrove swamps, freshwater marshes, freshwater swamps, and riparian ecosystems peatlands

           4. traditional wetland management

           5. ecosystem services

     · Includes an appendix for extra information & webpage.There is a newer edition of this, the 6

     · Newer edition published in June 2023, with three more authors.





& Summary


Key informational website