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Climate change hub >

Contents below:



     See Adaptation & resilience page

Agriculture  C  I  M 

     See Agriculture & climate change page

Anxiety  I 

      See Environmental psychology, nature therapy & climate anxiety page

Arid lands  I 


          · Deserts & arid lands page

            · Land degradation & desertification page

Arts, culture, music, theater & visuals     


          · Environmental arts literature & humanities page

            · Audio-visual resources page


     See Awards page

~B~      [🔝]

Battery power & energy storage

Global Battery Alliance (GBA)

Energy Storage News


     See Climate change books & bibliographies page

Biochar  M 

     See Carbon capture/storage/offsets/markets & REDD+ Forests page

Birds  I 

     See Birds page

Black Carbon  C 

     See GHGs & SLCPs page

Blockchain technology  C  M 

Zero-carbon chain @ Porini Foundation


     See Climate change & energy news, periodcals & blogs page


     See Climate change books & bibliographies page

Buildings & built environment  C  M 

      See Buildings & the “built environment” page

~C~      [🔝]

Calendars, conferences & events

     See Calendars page

Cap & Trade initiatives  M 

     See Carbon markets, pricing, taxes & offsets page

Carbon capture and sequestration/storage (CSS)  M 

     See CSS & CDR page

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR)  M 

     See CSS & CDR page

Carbon footprint calculators

      See Carbon accounting page

Carbon markets  M 

     See Carbon markets, pricing, taxes & offsets page

Carbon offsets  M 

     See Carbon markets, pricing, taxes & offsets page

Carbon pricing  M 

     See Carbon markets, pricing, taxes & offsets page

Carbon taxes  M 

     See Carbon markets, pricing, taxes & offsets page

Cities  C  I 

     See Urban areas page


     See Comedy, humor, parody & satire @ Audiovisual (AV) & multimedia page

Coral reefs  I 

    See Marine life & fisheries page

Countdown clocks

Climate clock @ Concordia University

Remaining carbon budget @ Mercator Institute

Cryosphere  I 

    See Polar regions & the cryosphere page

~D~      [🔝]

Data visualization

     See Climate Mitigation page


     See Climate Justice, activism, advocacy & social movements page

Deforestation  C  I 

     See both the Forests page and the Natural Climate Solutions page

Disease, spillover & emerging pandemic threats  I 

      See Global Public Health page

Divestment  M 

     See Activism page


     See Environmental & climate change documentaries

~E~     [🔝]

Economics of climate change  I  M 

     See Environmental economics page

Electronic mailing lists/listservs


     · Joining this electronic mailing list is a great way to keep up on international developments on climate change.


     See Energy hub

Energy storage

     See Battery power & energy storage above

Engineering, Climate  M 

      See Climate intervention page

Equity, Climate

     See Environmental justice & human rights page

Ethics, Climate

     See Environmental justice & human rights page

Extreme weather  I 

     See Extreme weather & flooding page

~F~   [🔝]

Fiction, climate (“Cli-fi”)

     See Environmental & climate arts & literature page


     See Environmental & climate change documentaries page

Finance & funding  M 

      See Climate finance page

Fire  C  I 

      See Forests page

Flooding  I 

     See Extreme weather & flooding page

Flying  C  M 

     See the Transportation page (scroll down)

Forests  C  I  M 

     See both the Forests page and the Natural Climate Solutions page

Foundations, funders & grantmakers  M 

     See the Funding & grantmaking page and the Foundations, funders & grantmakers page.

~G~      [🔝]

Geoengineering  M 

      See Climate intervention page

Glaciers  I 

    See Polar regions & the cryosphere page

Greenhouse gases (GHGs)  C  M 

     See GHGs & SCLPs page

Grief  I 

      See Environmental psychology, nature therapy & climate anxiety page

~H~      [🔝]

Health  I 

     See Climate change at the Global Public Health page

Heat  I 

     See Extreme weather & flooding page

History & timelines

      See Environmental & climate history page

Human rights  I 

      See human rights page


     See Comedy, humor, parody & satire @ Audiovisual (AV) & multimedia page

Hurricanes  I 

     See Extreme weather & flooding page

~I~      [🔝]

Infrastructure  C  I  M 

     See Infrastructure, buildings & the built environment page

Indigenous people  I 

     See Indigenous Peoples page


     See Individuals ~ Citizens page

Insurance  I  M 

Climate change news @ Insurance Journal


Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF)

     Climate Insurance Database

Munich Climate Insurance Initiative

Quintana Roo coral reef insurance policy

Sustainable Insurance Forum

Integrated assessment models (IAMs)

      See Climate modeling page

Intervention, Climate (aka, geoengineering & climate engineering)  M 

       See Climate Intervention page

Investments  M 

      See Climate finance page



      See Media, Press & journalism page

Justice, Climate  M 

     See Climate Justice, activism, advocacy & social movements page

~L~      [🔝]

Land  C  I  M 

    Climate change impacts on land are integrated into the various pages on land types; see Land hub page.

Law & legislation  M 

     See Climate law & economics page

~M~      [🔝]


      See Media, Press & journalism page

Methane  C 

     See GHGs & SLCPs page

Milankovitch cycles

How Ice Ages Happen: The Milankovitch Cycles [video]

Modeling & data visualization

     See Climate science & reference page


     See Environmental & climate change documentaries

~N~      [🔝]

NDCs/INDCs - (Intended) Nationally Determined Contributions  M 

      See Country emissions & Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) page

Net zero

      See Net zero emissions & carbon offsets page


     See Climate change & energy news, periodcals & blogs page

Nuclear winter

     See Nuclear winter at the Environmental security page

~O~     [🔝]

Ocean acidification  I 

      See Oceans & climate change page

~P~      [🔝]


     See Comedy, humor, parody & satire @ Audiovisual (AV) & multimedia page


     See Climate change & energy news, periodcals & blogs page


      See Media, Press & journalism page

Projects  C 

One Earth Project Marketplace

Protected areas  I 

     See Protected areas page

Public health  I 

     See Global Public Health page

~R~      [🔝]

Refugees  I 

    See Environmental & climate refugees page

Religion & religious institutions

    See Environmental religion & spirituality page

Renewable, sustainable & alternative energy  M 

      See Renewable, sustainable & alternative energy page

Risk  I 

      See the Environmental & climate impact and risk page

~S~      [🔝]


     See Comedy, humor, parody & satire @ Audiovisual (AV) & multimedia page

Scenario planning  M 

     See Climate modeling page

Sea level rise & flooding  I 

      See Oceans & climate change page


     See Environmental peacemanking & security page


      See Environmental criticism page

Social cost of carbon (SCC)

      See Climate modeling page

Social science

      See Social science at the Science page

Solastalgia  I 

Solastalgia definition @ Bureau of Linguistic Reality

~T~      [🔝]

Tipping elements & tipping points

Tipping Elements @ Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Transparency initiatives  M 

     See Cooperation page

Transportation  M 

    · See the Transportation page

Travel  C  M 

    See the Travel page

~U~      [🔝]

Urban areas  C  I  M 

      See Urban areas, buildings & the “built environment” page

~Y~      [🔝]

Youth  C  I  M 

      See Youth page

~W~      [🔝]

Water  I 

      See Climate change at the Freshwater page

Wildfire  I 

      See Forests page

Climate change A>Z

Climate _______

For terms that begin with the word “Climate” (eg, “Climate finance,” “Climate fiction,” “Climate justice,” etc.), the listing is under the second word (e.g., “Finance,” “Fiction,” “Justice," etc.).

There are infinite ways to classify topics under climate change. If you are looking for information on a broad climate change-related topic, it's likely best to start at the Climate change hub page.

The particular topic-headings listed on this page constitute a somewhat eclectic selection; a full listing of climate-related topics would scroll for a very long time....

Most of the topic-headings listed below direct to another webpages, while others provide a list of links immediately below (you can think of these as proto-pages).  

Many entries are color-identified according to the following categories:

                                                            C  Causal factor

                                                                 I  Impact

                                                                     M  Mitigation

Note that these categories are somewhat artificial and are for guidepost-purposes only.

Jump to A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z