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A web·guide to the glocal environment



     Where to start?

     Climate A>Z


     Climate science & information

          Science institutions     

          Key climate science assessments & reports

          Greenhouse gases (GHGs)

          Modeling, mapping, scenario planning +

          Carbon accounting, tracking & calculators


          Communications & simulations

          Books & bibliographies


          Extreme weather & flooding



               Carbon pricing (taxes, markets & ETSs)

               Carbon offsets & net zero emissions (NZE)

               Carbon sequestration (including CCS & CDR)

               Geoengineering & climate intervention

          Adaptation & resilience

          Loss & damage

     Climate Justice


          Climate activism & advocacy

          Divestment & re/investment



          Climate finance

          Climate change & the arts, including CliFi

          Denialism & greenwashing

     Diplomacy & negotiations


          Country emissions & NDCs

          29th COP of the UNFCCCC

          Past COP online guides & resources

In addition to the Climate change pages (listed to left),

more climate change resources are available

on the following pages:

· Periodicals*

  · Documentary films*

    · UN System*

      · NGOs*

        · Journalism, media & press*

          · International, environmental & climate security

            · Climate change @ Human rights & environmental rights

              · Refugees, migrants & IDPs

                · Health & climate change            

                  · Env'l and climate indicators & risk assessment

                    · Env'l psychology, climate anxiety & nature therapy

                      · Environment, religion & spirituality*

                        · Environmental & climate history

                          · Oceans & climate change

                            · Sea level rise & coastal change

                              · Forests & climate change

                                · Agriculture & climate change

                                  · Urban climate change

                                    · Ecosystem approach (inc. NbS, NCS & EbA)

                                      · Climate change & biodiversity

                                        · Corals & coral reefs

For place-based climate change information, start at:

          · Continental geography & transboundary regions

            · Countries A>Z

              · USA page on climate change

Climate change hub

* climate change resources on

   these pages are highlighted