
A web·guide to the glocal environment



Countries, nations & states hub > A>Z listing >

Contents below:

     · General information & geography

       · News, periodicals & satire

         · Aboriginal & indigenous peoples

           · Institutions

                     ~ Government information and agencies

                     ~ Nongovernmental organizations

                     ~ Private sector

              · Environmental law

                · Environmental initiatives

                  · Public health

                    · Transportation

                      · Energy

                        · Climate change

                          · Water

                            · Marine

                              · Agriculture

                                · Biodiversity

                                  · Regions

                                         ~ Eastern Australia

                                         ~ South-western Australia

                                     · States

                                            ~ New South Wales

                                            ~ Victoria

                                            ~ South Australia

Also see:

     · Great Barrier Reef @ Coral Reefs

       · Oceania

         · Country data sources

General information & geography

Australian Explorer-General Landscape Information

eAtlas ~ Australia's Tropical Land and Seas

Australia @ Lonely Planet 

News, periodicals & satire


Climate @ The Australian

Environment @ Sydney Morning Herald

Environment @ Guardian Australia Edition

Juice Media

Landscape Architecture Australia

Nature @ ABC Australia

Planet Ark News [Australia]

Aboriginal & indigenous peoples

Rejuvenation Trust

Indigenous protected areas (IPAs)


~ Government information and agencies ~

Department of Agricultue, Fisheries and Forestry

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

     National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy

Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

     Australia's climate change strategies

Clean Energy Regulator

     Emissions Reduction Fund

Australia Nature Hub

     Biodiversity Working Group

Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)

Climate Change Authority

     National Greenhouse Gas inventory

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

     Environmental impacts

          Climate change

     Climate Change in Australia: Climate information, projections, tools & data

National Climate Science Advisory Committee

National Landcare Program

     Regional Land Partnerships Program

Hydrogen Mobility Australia

    · A merged effort between government, shipping industries, and NGOs to save the seas

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Strengthening Australia's resilience to climate change

~ Nongovernmental organizations ~

Alternative Technology Association

Australasian Center for Corporate Responsibility

     Climate & environment

     Global Climate Insights

Australia Institute

     Climate & energy

Australian Conservation Foundation

Australian Land Conservation Alliance

Australian Wildlife Conservancy

Australian Youth Climate Change Coalition

Bush Heritage Australia

Climate Action Network International

ClimateWorks Australia

Conservation Council of Western Australia

Green Cross Australia

Pacific Climate Warriors (350pacific)

Planet Ark

Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef

Greenpeace Australia


Odonata Foundation

Sustainable Population Australia

Wilderness Society

WWF Australia

~ Private sector ~

Fortescue Future Industries (FFI)

Environmental law

Governmental list of Environmental Laws

Environmental Law Australia

Environmental initiatives

Energy Metals and Battery Manufacturing in WA

A Billion Trees

Sustainable Population Australia

Public Health

Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP)


Electric Cars

Electric Forklifts


Coal Mine Closures     

Graph that shows predictions on when Australian coal plants will close unless there is government intervention

Australia's Big Battery

General overview of what the battery is and how it works

Report on the Tesla Battery

Report on the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) on the Tesla Big Battery

Public Opinion on Energy

(to search for words within the document) the word renewables for a summary of information and a graph from polling results

National Energy Productivity Plan

s energy efficiency by 40% between 2015 and 2030

Energy Change Institute

     · Research on energy in Australia, its changes, it sources, its policies etc.

Climate change

Australia's Climate Vulnerability and Ranking

University of New South Wales (UNSW) - Sydney

     Climate Change Research Center (CCRC)

Climateworks Centre

Australian National University

     Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions

Climate Change Institute

University of Sydney

    Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law

2016 Report about the state of the Australian climate


Western Australia Water Supply

Resource for how a company is handling sustainable water use/monitoring water use

Drought Fund

     · Building Australia Fund


Australian Institute of Marine Science


Department of Agriculture

Different categories that can be explored to see the relationship between Australian farming and climate change

Carbon Farming

      · Website with links to resources about the effect of climate change on Australian Agriculture and about Carbon Farming Initiatives


Australia Conservation Foundation (ACF)

Australian Koala Foundation

Australia State of the Environment Report

2016 Report (Latest Data)

Threatened Species Commissioner

Current State of Australia

Friends of the Koala

Governmental Report ranging from climate change emissions to land use

Reef Destruction

A study that illustrates the possible repercussions of climate change on coral reef

Trust for Nature

Institute for Applied Ecology

eAtlas: Australia's Tropical Land and Seas

Daintree Rain Forest


Eastern Australia

Great Eastern Ranges

     Glideways Program

South-western Australia

Gondwana Link


New South Wales

SW Drought

Information about the drought in New South Wales


Nature Conservation Council


Renewable energy targets

Melbourne Urban Forest

     · community members can communicate a tree's current conditions to the government via individualized email

     addresses on the trees. Enabled the government to manage tree diversity and health within certain areas.

South Australia

Climate Change in South Australia

Climate Smart South Australia

     2018 report

Enviro Data SA

Environment Protection Authority (EPA)


Zurich-Mandala Climate Risk Index