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A web·guide to the glocal environment



General information

Environment and global climate change @ USAID

Nature Conservation Management

Views of Bangladesh on Climate Change and its possible Security Implications

Climate Change Issues in Bangladesh

Environmental news

Environment @ Dhaka Tribune

Climate change creates a new migration crisis for Bangladesh


Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources

     · "published by the Bangladesh Society for Conservation of Environment and Natural Resources"

Institutions ~ International

Bangladesh @ UN Development Program

Protecting the Environment and Natural Resource Management

     · Project of the World Bank

Environment and Global Climate Change


Institutions ~ Government

Department of Environment

Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA)

Sustainable Development Goals

     -Bangladesh Progress Report 2018

Flood Control

Institutions ~ Research

Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS)

Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services

     · Performs integrated environmental analysis using technologies such as GIS, RS, IT and other databases

Indicator Based Spatial Climate Change Vulnerability of South West Coastal Bangladesh

IFPRI- Women's Empowerment and Diversification

An investigation of coastal vulnerability and internal consistency of local perceptions under climate change risk in the southwest part of Bangladesh

Perception of Climate Change in Shrimp-Farming Communities

Bangladesh Coastal Zone Management Status and Future Trends  

Institutions ~ Environmental organizations

Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association

Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund (BCCRF)  


Waste Concern Consultants

Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund

International Centre for Climate Change and Development

International Marinelife Alliance

Environmental law

The Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995

The Environment Conservation Rules, 1997

The Bangladesh Environment Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2010

The Climate Change Trust Fund Act

The Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) Act 2003

Climate Fiscal Framework

Action Plan for Energy Efficiency and Conservation

National Sustainable Development Strategy (2010-2021)

6th Five Year Plan (FY 2011-FY 2015)


Nayakrishi Andolon

Increasing Salinity in a Changing Climate Likely to Alter Sundarban’s Ecosystem

The State of Bangladesh’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture

    - Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC)

Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan

    -Published by the Ministry of Environment and Forests in 2009

Bangladesh National Conservation Strategy


Bangladesh's water and sanitation crisis


Water Crisis

Access to Clean Water  

Improving water Supply and Sanitation

River pollution

Dhaka Environmentally Sustainable Water Supply Project

     · Project of the Asian Development Bank



Arannayk Foundation

Disappearing Forests

Forest resources

National Conservation Strategy  

Wildlife Conservation Society Bangladesh Mangrove Initiatives

Bangladesh Tropical Forests and Biodiversity Assessment

     -USAID 2016 report

Environmental issues

Air quality


State of Water Pollution from Industrial Effluents in Bangladesh

Noise pollution

Air quality


State of Water Pollution from Industrial Effluents in Bangladesh

Noise pollution


Barisal Division

Environmental Change and Its Impacts on Lives and Livelihoods of South-Central Coastal Districts of Bangladesh

Chittagong Division

Air pollution in Chittagong

Dhaka Division

Environment and Social Development Organization

Air pollution by fine particulate matter in Bangladesh

Khulna Division

Coastal zone of Khulna district

Rajshahi Division

Promote Sustainable and Healthy Environment of Rajshahi City Corporation through Effective Management of Solid Waste

Rangpur Division

Environmental Crisis of Rangpur City Corporation

Sylhet Division

A critical assessment of knowledge quality for climate adaptation in Sylhet Division

Urban Public and Environment Health Sector Development Program: Sylhet Secondary Transfer Stations

Mymensingh Division

Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program

Mymensingh Solid Waste Management Subproject

Pryata Bhatta of Brandeis University contrbuted to this page in 2019.


Also see:

   · Asia page

    · Country data sources page