
A web·guide to the glocal environment



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     · General information

       · Government information

         · Government agencies

           · Environmental initiatives

Also see:

   · Country data sources

     · Africa

Burkina Faso

General information

CIA Factbook on Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso Environment - Current issues

Key challenges opportunities and risks in Burkina Faso (Danida)

Major Problems in Burkina Faso Today

Pictures of Effects of Gold Mining in Burkina Faso

Vulnerability, Risk Reduction, and Adaptation to Climate Change in Burkina Faso

Disaster Risk Management and Adaptation to Climate Change in Burkina Faso

USGS Climate Trend Analysis in Burkina Faso

Poverty Reduction and Human Development in Burkina Faso

Emissions Summary for Burkina Faso

Energy Use in Burkina Faso 

Government information

          Diversity in President Kabore's Government 

          Constitution of Burkina Faso

          Overview of Government Structures in Burkina Faso

          Burkina Faso: A Crisis Foretold

          U.S. Relations with Burkina Faso

          BBC Country Profile

          World Bank Country Profile 

          Burkina Faso International Policy Laws and Treaties 

Institutions ~ Government

          Burkina Faso Ministry of Environment

          Ministries of Burkina Faso

          Air Quality Policies

          Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso to the UN 

          Burkina Faso and UNESCO 

Environmental initiatives

          Convention on Biological Diversity Country Profile 

          Sustainable Wildlife and Biodiversity Management Program 

          Burkina Faso's Progress with the Millennium Development Goals 

          Coping with Less Rain in Burkina Faso

          Poverty-Environment Initiative in Burkina Faso

          Using Weather and Climate Information for Agriculture in Africa

          "Winds of climate change blast farmers’ hopes of sustaining a livelihood in Burkina Faso"

          Africa Adaptation Program in Burkina Faso

          Burkina Faso National Climate Change Adaptation Plan

          "Burkina Faso's Poorest Farmers Outsmart Climate Change"

          Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security

          Burkina Faso Building the Capacity on Climate Change of its Delegation to COP22

          Burkina Faso Validates its National Climate Change Learning Strategy 

          Oxfam: Climate Change and Burkina Faso 

          Oxfam: Climate Change and Women Farmers in Burkina Faso

          "Burkina Faso Farmers Lead the Way on Food Security and Climate Change Resilience" 

          Strengthening Adaptive Capacity and Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in Burkina Faso

          Burkina Faso Joint Mission to the UN General Assembly

          IMF Burkina Faso: Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development 2011–2015 

          Burkina Faso Readiness Preparation Plan for REDD

          Traditional plant use in Burkina Faso

          Burkina Faso to Boost Capacity Building for Rural Development and Sustainable Land and Forestry Management

          UNICEF Newsline on Burkina Faso 

          African Wildlife Federation in Burkina Faso 

          Sustainable Development Goals for Burkina Faso

          Burkina Faso and Community Based EcoTourism

          Conservation Techniques in Burkina Faso

          Soil and Water Conservation in Burkina Faso    

          Land Use and Bird Conservation in Burkina Faso

          Special Programme Soil and Water Conservation and Agro-forestry in the Central Plateau of Burkina Faso

          Fruits from the forest and the fields: forest conservation policies and intersecting social inequalities in Burkina Faso’s REDD+ program

          Burkina Faso and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification