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A web·guide to the glocal environment



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Contents of this page:

    · General environmental, demographic & geographic information

      · News & periodicals

        · Environmental law & politics

          · Institutions

                  ~ Federal government

                  ~ Associations & networks

                  ~ Environmental organizations

                  ~ Research

                  ~ Private sector

                  ~ Grantmakers

            · Transboundary hazardous & toxic materials

              · Climate change & energy

                · Marine environment

                  · Water

                    · Forests

                      · Protected areas

                        · Biodiversity

                          · Regions

                            · Provinces

Also see:

     · Country data sources

       · Canada @ Indigenous peoples organizations - Geography

         · Canada-USA transborder issues page

           · Yellowstone to Yukon (Y2Y) page

General environmental, demographic & geographic information 

Movement Map @ BC Council for International Cooperation (BCClC)

     · "...presents the scope and scale of the work being done by organizations across Canada to achieve

          the UN Sustainable Development Goals."

People and Planet

News & periodicals

Alternatives Journal

Canadian Journal of Environmental Education

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Forestry Chronicle, The

Global NewsEnvironment Canada

NRC Research Press

      · Includes a wide range of Canadian journals on environmental topics.

Narwhal, The

Policy Options


Troy MediaEnvironment  

Environmental law & politics

Environmental law and practice in Canada: overview

Environmental Law Centre

Green Party

Liberal Party platform

Institutions ~ Federal government

Environment and natural resources

     · The Canadian government's central guide to content on "weather, agriculture, wildlife, endergy,

     natural resources, pollution, environmental protiection and fishing."

Departments and agencies

     · Main listing of all federal government departments and agencies; those primarily focused on

     environmental issues are listed below, but many others have environmental oversight and implications.


   · "...the website of the federal, provincial and territorial working group on biodiversity. It profiles

     biodiversity information, news and events. This website reflects the shared responsibility for

     biodiversity in Canada and the commitment of federal, provincial and territorial governments

     to achieve the goals and objectives of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity

     through a collaborative approach. This site also serves as Canada's national biodiversity

     Clearing House Mechanism."  

    · Ecosystem Services Toolkit

Canada Energy Regulator

Canada Nature Fund

Canadian Museum of Nature

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Environmental Protection Tribunal

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

National Program for Ecological Corridors

Natural Resources Canada

     Canada's Green Future

     Our Natural Resource

Parks Canada

     National Program for Ecological Corridors

Institutions ~ Associations & networks

Canada's Ecofiscal Commission

Canadian Mountain Network

     Canadian Mountain Assessment

Canadian Organization for Tropical Education & Rainforest Conservation

Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution

Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC)

Council of Canadians

Fur Institute of Canada

Global Compact Network Canada (GCNC)

Green Budget Coalition

Polaris Institute

Institutions ~ Environmental organizations

     · Topic-specific NGOs are listed in the sections below

Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE)

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)

Canadian Coalition on Acid Rain

     · 1981-1990; link is to archive page.

Corvus Centre for Conservation Policy

David Suzuki Foundation




Friends of Canadian Wilderness

Nature Canada


Trans Canada Trail

West Coast Environmental Law

Wildlife Preservation Canada (WPC)

Institutions ~ Research

Environment @ Angus Reid Institute

Network in Canadian History & Environment (NICHE)

North-South Institute

Sociologies & Economies of Migration

Private sector

Biodiversity Pathways

Institutions ~ Grantmakers

National Environmental Treasure (NET)

Transboundary hazardous & toxic materials

Canada-US agreement on transboundary movement of hazardous waste

Climate change & energy

Climate Atlas of Canada

Climate Change Connection

     · "...a charitable non-government organization working to  educate Manitobans about climate change [&] facilitate climate change solutions"

Energi Media

Greening Government Strategy

Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change

Prairie Climate Centre

Marine environment

Canadian Whale Institute

Ocean Wise

     · learn about the plastic waste in our oceans, and take a pledge to reduce plastic consumption

Canadian Marine Environment Protection Society

     · committed to creating marine reserves and conserve Canada’s oceans

Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup @ Vancouver Aquarium

Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM) [Canada]

     Whales Online

Marine Animal Response Society (MARS)


National Hydrology Research Centre

     Global Water Futures (GWF)

WT [Water Today]


Canada Forestry Association

Canadian Institute of Forestry

Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Silva Forest Foundation

Protected areas

Canadian Parks Council

Canadian Parks, Protected and Conserved Areas Leadership Collective (CPPCL) 

Pathway to Canada Target 1


Biodiversity Pathways

Bird Studies Canada

Canadian Institute of Ecology and Evolution (CIEE)

Canadian Organization for Tropical Education & Rainforest Conservation

Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CIEE)

Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC)

Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership

Ducks Unlimited Canada

National Environmental Treasure (NET)

National General Status Working Group (NGSWG)

     Wild Species: The General Status of Species in Canada

Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)

Pathway to Canada Target 1

Pollinator Partnership Canada


Pacific Canada

Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium


     · Listed by geography, west-to-east

British Columbia

B.C. Fish, Wildlife, and Habitat Coalition

BC Council for International Cooperation (BCClC)

BC Spaces for Nature

BC Fishn'

Climate Solutions and Clean Growth Advisory Council

Coastal First Nations-Great Bear Initiative

Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology

Dena Kayeh Institute (DKI)

Fraser Basin Council

Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation

Kootenay Conservation Program

Muskwa Kechika Management Area

Resilience & Climate Change: Adaptation potential for ecosystems and forest mangagement in SE BC

Retooling for Climate Change

Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program

The Tyee


Veridian Ecological Consulting


A Coal Policy for Alberta – 2022 and Beyond

Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)

Alberta Land Institute @ University of Alberta

Alberta Wilderness Association

Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley

Bison Belong (Banff National Park)

Caribou Patrol Program

Castle-Crown Wilderness Coalition

Climate @ Rocky Mountain Outlook


Climate Change Connection

     · "...a charitable non-government organization working to  educate Manitobans about climate change [&] facilitate climate change solutions"

Green Minds Manitoba


Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Northern Development, and Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

CPAWS Ottawa Valley

Future Oxford

Land Between, The

London Environmental Network

Nature London

Reforest London

Save Ontario Shores

Thames Talbot Land Trust

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Salmon Association


Shorefast [Fogo Island]

A Home for Nature: Protected Areas Plan for the Island of Newfoundland


Ministry of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks

"Canada has played a key leadership role in global environmental governance during specific periods since 1968, but has frequently faded from view or reversed direction as economic competiveness remained the central pillar of Canadian foreign policy. Canadian leadership on climate change and other environmental issues has proven inconsistent, torn between pressures for maximal resource extraction and the green agenda first advanced in the 1970s."

-Peter Stoett
