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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Actors hub > Countries A>Z >

Contents of this page:

     · General information & geography

       · Institutions

               ~ International organizations

               ~ Government information and agencies

               ~ Nongovernmental

         · Climate change

Also see:

   · Country data sources

     · Africa

General information & geography

CAR @ Britannica

Institutions ~ International organizations

CAR @ World Bank

Institutions ~ Government information and agencies

     · As of March 2024, there does not appear to be a publicly accessible CAR government website

Council of Ministers

     Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration, and Francophone Affairs

     Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development

     Minister of Sustainable Energy Development and Hydraulic Resources

     Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development

     Minister of State of Mines & Geology

Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations

CAR @ Human Rights Watch

Climate change

Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) @ UNFCCC NDC Registry


CAR @ ClimateWatch

Morgan Halldorson (2024) of Brandeis University contrbuted to this page.

Central African Republic (CAR)