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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Actors hub > Countries A>Z >

Contents of this page:

     · General information & geography

       · Institutions ~ Government information and agencies

         · Climate change

Also see:

   · Country data sources

     · Africa

General information & geography

Chad @ CIA World Factbook

Chad @ Nations Online

Institutions ~ Government information and agencies

     · As of March 2024, there does not appear to be a publicly accessible Chadian government website

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and African Integration

Ministry of the Environment and Fisheries

Climate change

Chad's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)

Chad @ NDC Partnership

Chad @ World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal

Case Study: Developing national MRV and NDC tracking systems in Chad @ Initiative for Climate Action Transparency

Matthew Sherack (2024) of Brandeis University contrbuted to this page.
