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A web·guide to the glocal environment



General information

China's Environmental Crisis


China Global Television Network (CGTN)

     · Nature

     · CGTN Wikipedia entry

China and the environment @ NYT

China + environment @ Guardian

China environment news monitoring @ EIN

China Pollution @ SCMP

Institutions ~ Government ministries & advisory bodies

China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED)

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China

Ministry of Environmental Protection

·      Name is changing to Ministry of Ecology & Environment

National Forest & Grassland Administration

Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations

Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge (CBIK)

Green Camel Bell

    ·educate, protect and restore the ecological environment of Western China

Global Village of Beijing

     · to enhance public awareness and to promote public involvement in environment protection in China

     by means of the mass media and various social activities.

Kunming Institute of Botany

Wordwide Fund for Nature-China (WWF-China)

     · Has been active in China since 1980. The first international conservation organization invited to work in China

Institutions ~ Foreign, with focus on China

China Dialogue





China Environment Forum @ Wilson Center

Global China Initiative @ Boston University's Global Development Policy Center

Global Environmental Instititue (GEI)

     · Works alongside key policymakers, businesses, scientists, civil society leaders and local communities to foster dialogue and

     innovative solutions to protect the environment and enhance economic opportunies.

Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning (CAEP)

     · To provide technical support and services such as environmental planning, environmental policy, and consultation on

          environmental project selection management for the Chinese government and corporations in a timely and efficient manner.

Paulson Institute

Climate change

Beijing Energy Network (BEN)

     · Aims to help understand and tackle China's energy and environmental challenges across a wide range of sectors

China Carbon Forum

China Center for Climate Change Communications (China 4C)

Climate Action Tracker - China


Chengdu Giant Panda Foundation

China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation

Pandas International


China Water Risk

Freshwater Overview

Yangtze River

Yellow River

Lake Poyang

Air pollution

Air Pollution Control Policies in China: A Retrospective and Prospects

     · Based on scientific evidence for the evolution of air pollution and the institutional background of environmental governance in

          China, the paper examines the development of air pollution control policies from the 1980s and onwards

History of Air Pollution in China @ Environmental Problems (Colgate University)

2020 Action Plan for air pollution

Environmental law

Environmental law and practice in China: Overview

Agriculture & food

Agriculure Overview

   -Agriculture, forestry, and fishing

FAO in China

Food Security in China

Hybrid Rice

Xinyi Guo and Xujin Wang of Brandeis University contrbuted to  this page in 2019.
