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A web·guide to the glocal environment




Tyler Caine (2022) & Bianca Peterman (2020) of Brandeis University contributed to this page.

Also see the Country data sources page.

General information

Greece @ CIA World Factbook

Greece @ Wikipedia

     · Contains multiple sections on various environmental issues in Greece.

The SDGs and Greece

Environmental information

Environment - Energy and Environment

     · Run by the ambassadors and diplomats between Greece and the USA, this page specifically covers

       Greece's environmental impacts and struggles, some information about policy, and information about

       Greece's commitment to green energy


     · Greek tourism site that collects relevant, timely articles about Greece's environment.

Environment - Greece

     · Covers some of the most common Greek environmental issues. While it doesn't seem to be updated

       often, all of the information currently on the page is dated, so it may still be useful for someone

       researching Greece's environmental history.

Ecology in Greece: Problems, rules and actions

     · A page from a tourism website about ecological problems in Greece.

Greece @ Crisis & Environment

     · Examines the ecological impacts of war in the Middle East (especially Syria) on surrounding countries.

Environmental news

Greece Archives @ Balkan Green Energy News