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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Environmental information

OECD Indonesia Policy Brief

Environmental Performance Index: Indonesia Profile

2008 report: Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in Indonesia


Environment @ Jakarta Post

International agreements & institutions

Indonesia @ UN Environment

2012 report: Indonesia's sustainable development, climate change and human rights treaty obligations

Environmental law

Indonesia @ Environmental Law Reporter

Government agencies

     · Government agencies generally not translated into English

Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM)

Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) of Indonesia.

Indigenous organizations

Nuraga Bhumi Institute

Nongovernmental organizations ~ Directories

Environment Conservation NGOs in Indonesia @ Artemis Impact

Environmental organizations based in Indonesia @ Wikipedia

Indonesian green organizations @ Project Planet

Nongovernmental organizations ~ Listing

Indonesia @ Conservation International

     · Webpage is in Indonesian

Indonesia @ Friends of the Earth International

Indonesia @ The Nature Conservancy


Planet Indonesia


     · Sulawesi Regional Ecological Conservation Initiative

Project Planet Indonesia


WCS Indonesia

WRI Indonesia


     · WWF Indonesia

     · Borneo & Sumatra





Renewable Energy Resource Mapping in Indonesia @ ESMAP

Report: Missing the 23 Per Cent Target: Roadblocks to the development of renewable energy in Indonesia

Climate change

Indonesia NDC

Indonesia @ Climate Action Tracker

Indonesia @ Climate Change Knowledge Portal

Forests & deforestation

Indonesia @ Global Forest Watch  

Indonesia forests & palm oil @ Greenpeace

2008 WWF report: Deforestation, Forest Degradation, Biodiversity Loss and CO2 Emissions in Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia


Action Indonesia Global Species Management Plan (GSMP)

Convention on Biological Diversity

     Indonesia's national report

     Indonesia profile

Chenxi Dai

of Brandeis University developed this page in 2018.


Also see:

   · Asia page

    · Country data sources page

Contents of this page:

     · Environmental information

       · News

         · International agreements & institutions

           · Environmental law

             · Institutions:

                     ~ Government agencies

                     ~ Indigenous organizations

                     ~ Nongovernmental organizations ~ Directories

                     ~ Nongovernmental organizations ~ Listing

               · Energy

                 · Climate change

                   · Forests & deforestation

                     · Biodiversity

Also see the Transboundary air pollution in Asia page.