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A web·guide to the glocal environment




General information

Jamaica @ WWF

Johannesburg Summit 2002 Agenda 21- Jamaica Country Profile

Climate Investment Funds

     · A good environmental overview of Jamaica as a country.

Jamaica @ CIA World Factbook

Environmental news

Jamaica Observer → Environment

Governmental information

Jamaica Information Service (JIS)

     · The Jamaican Government has created a comprehensive website.

Overview of the Jamaican governmental structure

Institutions ~ Government

Forestry Department

Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries (MICAF)

Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Health (MOH)

Ministry of Local Government and Community Development

Ministry of Water, Land, Environment, and Climate Change (MWLECC)

National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA)

     Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA)

National Irrigation Commission (NIC)

National Land Agency (NLA)

National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA)

National Water Commission (NWC)

National Works Agency (NWA)

Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM)  

Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ)- part of Ministry of Finance and Planning

Water Resources Authority (WRA)

Institutions ~ Research

Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CAPRI)

Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations

Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation (C-CAM)

Jamaican Caves Organization

National Environmental Societies Trust (NEST)

     · Serves as an umbrella for environmental NGOs in Jamaica.

Windsor Research Center

Environmental law

Environmental and Planning Laws of Jamaica

Environmental politics

Australian Caribbean Coral Reef Collaboration

     · Read about Jamaica’s coral reefs and ocean management.

Caribbean Challenge Initiative (CCI)

     · Read more on their website and be sure to read about their ‘20 by 20’ challenge.

Convention on Biological Diversity

     · The fourth annual country report for Jamaica found here.

Jamaica Environmental Cooperation

     · An agreement signed in 1991.

Jamaica Environment Trust (JET)

National Drought Management Committee

NEPA Conventions

UN Environment Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP)

UNDP Jamaica Annual Report from 2013-2014

Pilot project on climate resilience (video)

Environmental Foundation of Jamaica

Public participation

Social, Environmental Factors to Perinatal Mortality

Lead Poisoning in Kingston

Fragmented Community Action or New Social Movement?


Environmental Management of a Tourist Destination

Environmental Management in Resorts and Hotels, Case Study in Jamaica

Market-based Instruments for Env. Policymaking in Latin America & Caribbean

Introducing Environmental Management in the Hotel Industry

PM Wants Jamaica to be the Most Modern Country in the Caribbean

Climate change

Climate Change Policy Framework

Climate Change: A chance for reimagined development options

PM says UN Initiative to mobilise climate financing going very well

PM Calls On Developed Countries To Fulfil Commitments With Climate Financing


Championing Sustainable Development Goals

Endangered species of Jamaica @ Earth's Endangered Creatures


Important areas for Conservation in Cockpit Country, Jamaica

Sustainable recycling of Municipal Solid Waste in Developing Countries


Deforestation statistics @ Global Forest Watch

Deforestation statistics @ Mongabay

Forest Management and Conservation Plan

“Let Us Protect Our Forests” - reflection on 50 years of independence

Jamaica Deforestation linked to mining, agriculture, and tourism

Beyond Peasant Deforestation: Environment & Development in Rural Jamaica

Cockpit Country Local Forest Management Committee


Jamaica Water Sector Policy (2016)

Background knowledge on "water law"

Environmental management and community participation in the Negril Watershed, Jamaica

Improved technology for water conservation

Huge Water Plan


Bleaching and Reef Community Change

Sustainable Financing for Ocean and Coastal Management in Jamaica

World Sea Temperature

Marine institutions

Caribbean Maritime University

Agriculture & food

Small farmers dealing with drought

Management of Pests and Diseases in Coffee Industry


Jamaican Caves Organization (JCO)


Cockpit Country

Jiayi Li, Eileen Qiu, Emma Bartlett & Emma Kahn of Brandeis University developed this page in 2020, 2019, 2017 & 2016 respectively.

Also see the Country data sources page.

Contents of this page:

     · General information

       · Environmental news

         · Government information

           · Institutions

                  ~ Government

                  ~ Research

                  ~ NGOs

             · Environmental law

               · Environmental politics

                 · Public participation

                   · Economy

                     · Climate change

                       · Biodiversity

                         · Sustainability

                           · Forests

                             · Freshwater

                               · Oceans

                                 · Marine institutions

                                   · Agriculture & food

                                     · Caves

                                       · Regions

Also see:

     · An original page on Jamaica & Global Environmental Politics

       developed by Emma Bartlett in 2017 is still available here.