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A web·guide to the glocal environment



General environmental, demographic & geographic information 

Tokyo's Role in Addressing Air Pollution in Japan

Kochi paper factory producing pollution, Japan

Yokkaichi asthma, Japan

Institutions ~ Government

Ministry of the Environment (Japan)

Institutions ~ NGOs

Aozora Foundation

   · Aims to rejuvenate local areas and environments and works for the redevelopment of pollution-damaged area

   History of Japan's Air Pollution

Bat Study & Conservation Group of Japan

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

Global Environment Centre Foundation

   · Aims to contribute to the conservation of the environment in developing nations and around the

     world with Japan's conservation knowledge and experience in support of UNEP's urban environment

     conservation activities.

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

Japan Whaling Association

Toda Peace Institute

     Climate Change and Conflict


Also see:

   · Asia page

    · Country data sources page