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A web·guide to the glocal environment



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Contents of this page:

     · General information

       · News

         · Institutions

               ~ International agreements & organizations

               ~ Government information and agencies

               ~ NGOs

           · Environmental initiatives

             · Transportation

               · Energy

                 · Climate change

                   · Biodiversity

Also see:

     · Country data sources

       · Asia


General information

CIA World Factbook

World Bank profile

Map of Kazakhstan

IndexMundi Factbook



Environment @ KazInform International News Agency


Institutions ~ International agreements & organizations

Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN profile

U.S. Relations with Kazakhstan from the U.S. Department of State

Weapons non-proliferation

Kazakhstan @ International Energy Agency 

Kazakhstan @ UNDP

Institutions ~ Government Information and Agencies

Government of Kazakhstan

Official website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Sustainable Development Goals


Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations

The World Bank

Asian Development Bank

Environmental Initiatives

UNDP Environment and Energy

Fostering Productive Innovation Project (FPIP) -- The World Bank and the Ministry of Education and Science



UNDP: City Almaty Sustainable Transport

Transportation infrastructure info page from Kazakh embassy

World Bank report on transport efficiency


Kazakh webpage on green energy from 2017 Expo

Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan webpage on energy

KAZENERGY Association

Uranium and Nuclear Power


Climate change

Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (PDF)

Summary point: target 15-25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030

Kazakhstan’s Climate Change profile from Columbia Law


     · Human Development Report of climate change and its impact on Kazakhstan’s human development

     · Climate Change: Community-Based Adaptation

Climate Links knowledge base page

ND-GAIN vulnerability profile



Biodiversity Finance Initiative

Monitoring biodiversity in Specially Protected Natural Areas @ UNDP

Altyn Dala Conservation Initiative

Bella Crews & Kaitlyn Mok of Brandeis University contributed to this page in 2022 & 2018 respectively.