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A web·guide to the glocal environment



General information

Lesotho @ World Factbook

     · General demographic information

Lesotho Country Profile @ BBC

Lesotho @ Wikipedia

Environmental information

Current environmental issues @ Index Mundi

Lesotho @ GEF

Lesotho @ SDG Knowledge Platform

Lesotho @ World Population Review

Lesotho @ Worldometer

     · Population growth trends and demographic information

US Department of State: 2021 Investment climate statements for Lesotho

     · focus on environmental issues in chapter 3, 8, and 10

Environmental news

Environment @ Lesotho Times

Lesotho @ The Guardian

     · Includes strong focus on environmental news

International agreements & initiatives

Lesotho @ International Environmental Agreements (IEA) Database Project

Environmental law

Natural Environmental Plan

Environment Act, 2008

    · Important environmental policy

Environmental politics

Constitution and Politics

    · Overview of political systems in Lesotho

Lesotho Global Politics

Institutions ~ Government

Department of Environment

Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Relations

Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations

Lesotho Environmental Justice and Advocacy Centre (LEJAC)

Networks, NGOs and other Organizations

Global Call to Action Against Poverty

Trade issues

Lesotho's Investment Climate Statement (ICS)

Sustainable materials management

National profile of chemicals management infrastructure 

Open wasting burning in Lesotho (news story)

Lesotho Plastic Pollution (news story)

Climate change

UNDP Climate Change Adaptation

Climate Change Risk Profile

    · USAID summary of how climate change has begun to affect southern Africa

Reducing vulnerabilitiy from Climate Change

Marine institutions

FAO Aquaculture


Lesotho Renewable Internal Freshwater Chart

   · Renewable internal freshwater resources per capita

Lesotho's improvement to water and sanitation (news story)


Country Report on Agriculture

   · Food and Agriculture Organization

Agricultural Overview

Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Commission


UN Convention on Biological Diversity

     First Country report

     Lesotho Biodiversity Action Plan

Lesotho Biodiversity and Protected Areas @ Earth Trends

Steve Wang & Maddy Scherff

of Brandeis University contrbuted to this page in 2021 & 2019, respectively.


Also see:

   · Africa page

    · Country data sources page