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A web·guide to the glocal environment



General information

Malawi UN Country Stats

    • Provides statistics for 2005, 2010 & 2018

    • Pay special attention to the section titled: “Environment and Infrastructure Indicators”

General Information About the Environment in Malawi and Deforestation in Africa

Malawi Maps (World Atlas)


Malawi Nyasa Times

MANA Online

Mining in Malawi

Government Information and Agencies

Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Environment

National Commission for Science and Technology

• The link takes you to a national database

Nongovernmental organizations

Peace Corps Projects in Malawi

Future Climate for Africa

• The link takes you to climate projections for Malawi at first. Search the website for Malawi for more information about the organization and the projects under way.

Lilongwe Wildlife Trust

Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi

Climate change

Malawi Climate Change Fact Sheet

Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)

Malawi Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Report

Future climate projections for Malawi

Map of Malawi's Deforestation (Global Forest Watch)


National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2006)

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan II (2015-2025)

Environmental Initiatives

UNDP - UNEP Poverty - Environment Initiative

Malawi Vision 2020 Chapter 10: Natural Resource and Environmental Management

State of Environment and Outlook Report

•This report is from 2010

International Agreements

MEAs to which Malawi has taken membership actions

     • Information is slightly dated


How other nations are involved in Malawi's development

DFID Malwi Profile: July 2018 (United Kingdom)

    • Focuses on hunger and family planniing among other initiatives

Malwi Innovation Challange Fund

     • It is supported through the UN Development Program

Feed the Future

Environmental law

Malawi National Climate Change Management Policy June 2016

Environment Management Act, 1996

Environment Management Act, 2017

• There aren’t many reliable websites for Malawi’s government, so this is a link to the actual legislation on ECOLEX


General Information About the Environment in Malawi and Deforestation in Africa

REDD in Malawi

• The preliminary report has some good general information about Malawi, as well as extensive info about deforestation.

• Provides volunteer opportunities for a more sustainable Malawi

Department of Forestry

Fisheries and Aquaculture

Malawi National Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy

• This is the second edition from 2016

FAO Fishery Country Profile- The Republic of Malawi

• Updates May, 2019

Food and Agriculture

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Pesticide Risk Reduction in Malawi

• Project initiated in 2015 with the help of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Malawi Fact Sheet

• Updated in 2015

The World Bank: New Policies to Help Transform Malawi's Agricultral Sector

Crop Sustainability Maps and Agriculture Zonation

Energy Sources

Overview of Information Regarding Energy

Energy Supply

Energy Regulatory Authority


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Malawi

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation: Malawi

Water and Sanitation

National Sanitation Policy

• Policy from May, 2006

UNICEF: Evaluation of Malawi's Water and Sanitation

• Report from 2007-2013

USAID: Malawi Water and Sanitation Profile

WaterAid: Malawi


Renee Silver & Karen Medeiros of Brandeis University developed this page in 2019 and 2018 respectively.

Also see:

   · Africa page

    · Country data sources page