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Contents of this page:

     · General information 

       · News & periodicals

         · Institutions

                     ~ International organizations

                     ~ Government information and agencies

                     ~ Nongovernmental organizations

           · Environmental law

             · Environmental initiatives

               · Transportation

                 · Climate change

                   · Biodiversity

Also see:

   · Country data sources

     · Africa

General information

CIA World FACTBOOK on Maldives

     · Includes information about energy and fuel sources under “Energy” tab

Population and Demographics

Maldives @ UN Food and Agriculture Organization

     · Has link to Maldives Country Programming Framework

Maldives @ Environmental Performance Index

     · Maldives’ national ranking for many environmental categories

     · Includes information about air quality, biodiversity, water and sanitation, climate and energy, forests, and more

News & periodicals

General News

     · Website written in Dhivehi

     · Link to website with English translation

Environmental News from Maldives Times

Institutions ~ International organizations

United Nations Development Programme

     Maldives Climate Change Adaptation

     Updated list of climate change adaptation projects and proposals

     Maldives Page

     · Current information about environmental initiatives in the Maldives

Institutions ~ Government information and agencies

President’s Office

      · Presidential and Government News 

Ministry of Environment and Energy

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations


Protect the Maldives 

Save the Beach

Environmental law

International environmental agreements to which the Maldives is Party

Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2007

Environmental Protection and Preservation Act of Maldives (Law No. 4/93)

The Fisheries Law of the Maldives

Environmental initiatives

Initiatives in the tourism industry

Maldives pushes sustainability at home and abroad 

Third National Environmental Action Plan 


Environmentally Sustainable Transport in Maldives

Climate change

Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) @ UNFCCC NDC Registry

Country case study – Maldives Climate for Sustainable Growth

     · Examines if climate projects have been conducted in a sustainable way

Maldives @ Climate Policy Observer

     · Information about Maldives’ emissions, national policy, and international policy

     · Page has a lot of missing information 

First National Communication of Maldives to the UNFCCC

     · General information about country and climate change

Climate Change Effects on Maldives

     · Presentation by the National Defense Force

Climate Change and Education 

     · Investigates the intersection between adaptation and mitigation, and the role of education

Maldives sea level rise map @ Union of Concerned Scientists

ND-GAIN Country Index 

     · Use ‘control F’ to find Maldives’ rankings for ND-GAIN index, vulnerability, and readiness for climate change

     · ND-GAIN index ranks countries’ vulnerability ability to improve resilience to climate change 


The economic case for biodiversity conservation in the Maldives

Biological Diversity of the Maldives

National Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan

Maldives Biodiversity
