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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Rina Goldberg & Elijah Sinclair of Brandeis University contributed to this page in 2021 & 2017 respectively.

General information

CIA Database

Mauritania @ Wikipedia

United Nations General Statistics 

World Health Organization

Environmental information

Mauritania @ World Bank

Mauritania @ World Population Review

Environmental news

African Online News 

Agence Mauritanienne d’ information (Translated) 

Stanford List of News Sources

BBC News

International agreements, institutions & initiatives

Mauritania @ International Environmental Agreements (IEA) Database Project

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

UN Sustainable Development Group Mauritania

Environmental law

Mauritania @ Enviro Rights Map

Government information and agencies

Banc d'Arguin National Park

Funds Set Aside For Environmental Initiatives (World Bank)

Global Edge 

Government National Biodiversity Action Plan (French)

National Ecotourism Strategy (Translated)

Diawling National Park (French)

Mauritanian Institute of Oceanographic and Fisheries Research 

National Livestock and Veterinary Research Center

Environmental Initiatives 

Environmental Degradation in Mauritania-Staff Report-Board Of Science and Technology For International Development 

Integrated Production and Pest Management Programme in Africa     

Mauritania and Senegal coastal area urbanization, groundwater flood risk in Nouakchott and Land use/land cover change in Mbour area 

World Bank investigation of oil impact

Trans Africa Pipeline

Trade issues

Mauritania Country Economic Memorandum

     · World Bank report on economic growth in Mauritania, including information about sustainable development.

World Integrated Trade Solution Mauritania

     · Provides information about the plastic that has been imported to Mauritania, including disposable bags for biohazardous materials.

Climate Change

Mauritania National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change

Climate Change and Sub-Saharan Africa : Issues and Opportunities -World Bank Group

RIM Youth Climate Group

Air Pollution, including stratospheric ozone depletion

Mauritania - Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

Forestry and Deforestation

Mauritania forests @ Mongabay

Biodiversity and Tropical Forest Assessment for Mauritania


Mauritania Water @ Worldometer

Plastic pollution

BBC Mauritania Plastic Ban

Marine fisheries institutions

Fisheries Transparency Initiative Mauritania

Country Studies Mauritania

Fisheries Development Project     

Forestry and Deforestation

Mauritania @ Global Forest Watch

Agriculture & food

Mauritania agriculture 


Convention of Biological Diversity

     · Mauritania overview #1

     · Mauritania overview #2

Biodiversity and Tropical Forest Assessment for Mauritania

Wildlife and nature NGO 

Biodiversity Conservation in the Diawling National Park Through Sustainable and Participatory Management

Transboundary Conservation of Large Mammals

New Protected Areas for Key Mauritanian Biodiversity Sites (GEF story)


Also see:

   · Africa page

    · Country data sources page