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A web·guide to the glocal environment



Yaxi Huang of Brandeis University developed this page in 2019.

General environmental, demographic & geographic information

World Atlas

     · "...the second smallest country in the world, Monaco is hilly, rugged, and rocky..."

The World Factbook

Environmental news

Environment & Sustainability @ MonteCarloTimes

· Also see this list of Monaco news sources; none of these appear to have webpages devoted to environmental issues, but most allow for searches.  

Institutions ~ Government

Monaco government website


      Monaco - a sustainable town

Green Monaco @ Consulat General de Monaco

Institutions ~ Research

How Monaco is Switching on the "Green Glam" to boost its environmental image

Monaco - Environment

Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations

Prince Albert ll of Monaco Foundation

Wings for Earth

Environmental law

Monaco: Environment & Climate Change Law in 2019

Harmony with Nature @ United Nations

Climate change

Monaco's sustainable resillience approach to climate change

Transition Forum in Monaco: The solution to climate change


Convention on Biological Diversity


Monaco: Annual freshwater withdrawals

Prince of Monaco: "Water Should Bring Us Together."

Marine institutions

Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM)

Monaco Marine

Marine Environmental Studies Laboratory

Agriculture & food

Monaco @ UNFAO


Also see the Country data sources page.