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A web·guide to the glocal environment



River  Hayes of Brandeis University contributed to this page in 2019.

General information

World Atlas

     · General info on geography, landscape, population, etc.

UNECE Environmental Performance Review

Directorate for Environment

Environmental news

News Montenegro - UNEP Site

Montenegro Environment News Monitoring Service - EIN News

Institutions ~ Government

Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro

Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Ministry of Science

Centre for Sustainable Development

Energy Regulatory Agency

Institutions ~ Research

Center for Research and Protection of Birds

Center for Ecotoxicological Research

Institutions ~ Nongovernmental organizations

Environmental Movement Ozon

     · Committed to raising citizens' ecological awareness.

Zero Waste Montenegro

Green Home

     · Dedicated to environmental preservation and protection, biodiversity conservation, and implementation of the sustainable development principles.

Environmental law

ICLG: Environment and Climate Change Law 2019

National Strategy for Sustainable Development

Minamata Convention on Mercury

     · Signed by Montenegro in 2014.

International Comparative Legal Guides: Montenegro

Endangered Species and Conservation Laws

Division of Powers: Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change

     · Includes responsibilities of both state and local authorities.

Environmental politics

EU Status Agreement on European Border and Coast Guard Cooperation

Renewable Energy Policy Consensus - REPCONS

     · Launched in June, 2019 in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro with the aim of facilitating energy transition through greater utilization of renewable energy sources.

Blue Land Project

     · Establishes a participatory model for coastal and marine biodiversity management, protection and sustainable use.

National Statement of Montenegro - UN Environmental Assembly

Public participation

International Coastal Cleanup Day Montenegro

Save Salina

     · Campaign aimed at the protection of Ulcinj Salina.

Regional Environmental Center: Montenegro

     · International organization that assists in solving environmental problems through the promotion of cooperation among the country's main stakeholders and through support to public participation in environmental decision making.

Climate change

UNDP: Climate Change Adaptation

Climate Change Post

Economic Impacts of Climate Change - UNDP

Climate Change and Impacts - UNICEF


Convention on Biological Diversity

Fifth National Report to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity

Biodiversity Information System for Europe


Ramsar List of Wetlands of National Importance

     · Includes three Ramsar sites located in Montenegro.

Climate Change Post: Fresh Water Resources

Marine institutions

Institute of Marine Biology

Maritime Safety Department

Marine Protected Areas - IUCN

Agriculture & food

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

FAO Country Profile

Sustainable Agriculture for Sustainable Balkans

Improved Competitveness in Agriculture and Fisheries

     · World Bank press release.

Borgen Project: Report of Improving Water Quality in Montenegro

Waste Management

World Bank Report: Industrial Waste Management and Cleanup Project

Zero Waste Montenegro


Also see the Country data sources page.